In expository essay format of 400words, identify the theme and its three supporting idea from the text. Make reference to the text in order to support your interpretation.

In expository essay format of 400words, identify the theme and its three supporting idea from the text. Make reference to the text in order to support your interpretation. Paper details: Word pad ( need 400 words) introduction paragraph with three thesis idea . 50 word introduction . then three ideas use as in body each […]

current Human Ecology Current Events Article

analyze and evaluate a Human Ecology Current Events article. The articles must be published during the term that the course is taken. Write an analysis and evaluation of the article, paying particular attention to the scientific accuracy of the material and focusing on how any problems addressed in the article could have been avoided in […]

Drugs & Crime

1) In no less than 250 words, explain the difference between instrumental and recreational drug use and the difference between licit and illicit drugs     2)Describe three of the several ways drugs can be administered into the body. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of them with respect to toxicity, side effects, and […]

Developing a disease fact sheet

  Develop a fact sheet on a chronic disease that is of interest to you.  The facts should be derived from scientifically valid sources (professional journals, medical texts, U.S. government agencies).  The fact sheet should be graphically pleasing, limited to one page (back & front if necessary), and contain, as appropriate, the following information:   […]

recruitment and selection strategies

I need you to recommend some recruitment and selection strategies for a client. Just keep in mind that we have an annual net revenue of $100,000,000. That will change, though, since we’re expecting 15% revenue growth the first year after the expansion. You’ll probably also need to consider that we plan to increase our current […]

Human resource

Walmart is the largest retailer in the US (and other parts of the world) employing 1.2 million in the USA. In February 2015 Doug McMillon announced a series of employment changes, among other things raising minimum starting pay to $9/hr. with plans to further increase it to $ within one year.   He […]

The latest equipment on the market for analyzing cells in the lab

  Use the Internet to identify the latest equipment on the market for analyzing cells in the lab (or for diagnosis of an illness at the cellular level). Describe the equipment and how medical professionals use it to diagnose and treat patients. What is the difference between anabolism and catabolism? In what ways are they […]

Cultural and Ethical Challenges for Multinational Organizations

In order to succeed or to remain successful, companies need to have a good synchrony with their external environment. As companies expand their operations to different countries and in order to be accepted in a different culture, they have to adapt by changing some of their ways of doing business. Globalization may bring an intensification […]

Treatments for anxiety

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2015), nearly 30% of American adults will suffer from diagnosed anxiety in their lifetime (with those rates rising each year). There are different classifications and forms of anxiety, but in general what symptoms and complications does this mental disorder present with? Why is this disorder continuing to […]

The Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) framework

Exactly the same format as last week, which was perfect. The questions for this week are as follows: An example of a company sing the STP framework to the benefit of the organsiation (343 Words, 2 references) What are the best positioning strategies to build or sustain a brand? (343 Words, 2 references) How then […]

The signs and symptoms of the pathologic condition

With your approved pathologic condition, you will research and discuss the following topics: The pathologic condition is Autism,  and discuss : The signs and symptoms of the pathologic condition The treatments for and any prevention of the pathologic condition The short and long-term consequences of the pathologic condition     Do you want your assignment […]

7S Framework and Value Reporting Framework

The model is: 7S Framework and Value Reporting Framework -What is the Matrix, Model, Theory, Concept About – Provide Overview (2 slides) -When do we use this Matrix / Model (1 or 2 slides) -What is importance of this Theory / Concept (2 slides) -Apply these to organizations in Saudi Arabia on any one among […]

Museum hazards

Many collection objects contain hazardous materials – some examples are asbestos, radioactivity and old medicines, and there are many others. Should such materials be regarded as a significant part of the object and preserved, or as dangers that need to be removed? Can hazards always be removed, and if not how might they be managed […]

cellular respiration

1) What are the four pathways in cellular respiration? 2) What is the over all equation of cellular respiration? (mention the reactants/substrates, products, total ATP generated in this complete process) 3) What is the complete reaction in glycolysis? (where does it occur in the cell; mention the reactants/substrates, products; total ATP produced/net ATP gained; Coenzymes […]

Asset Securitization Structures

As an assistant vice president at a regional bank, your boss has tasked you to acquire $100 million of residential mortgages to be securitized in a pass-through MBS. There must be between 250–300 mortgages in the portfolio, none of them with a maturity below 200 months or greater than 360 months. In the interest of […]

business venture

Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, with a minimum of 300 words total, APA formatted and 5% similarity.Make sure you use adequate, credible and reliable APA source 2 citations to support your work.   1. What legal agreements would be needed for the day-to-day management of your new business venture if you were to […]

Health problems in the US Health Care

Identify a health problem in the US Health Care sector from the list below. Topic: Disadvantaged children often do not have health insurance and do not receive the preventive care (such as vaccines and well-baby check-ups) that can avoid long-term health problems.   Format to be used is listed below.   HGMT 310 Assignment #1 […]

Administration Health

Read the pictures from your email, and use the link below:   Then answer the folowing questions:   A.  Name the five (5) duties of local boards of health.  B.  Choose one (1) of the five (5) duties and discuss it. Fallon states that “Maintaining a relationship with the board is among the […]

weighing the evidence and interpreting the meanings of the data

When conducting original research, the final step researchers must complete is weighing the evidence and interpreting the meanings of their data, statistics, and analyses. This is the culmination of the research process in which all of the research methods and designs can be synthesized into a meaningful conclusion. In this stage, researchers should formulate explanations […]


Reflection Assignment 4 (due November 1st) Ramona’s Renos Case Study Read the overview below and respond to the questions that follow. Ramona owns and operates her own renovation (reno) business, which includes work based heavily on using project teams. Read the following description of the business and recent problems Ramona has experienced with team compensation. […]

ISO 9000 and ISO 14000

new due in 4 hours minimum 75 words each with reference.   1. What is Six Sigma? What are the advantages and disadvantages for implementing Six Sigma in your organization?   2. what is ISO 9000 and ISO 14000? explain   3. what is DMAIC standard approach to Six-Sigma methodology? explain or give an example. […]

The pros and cons of continuing nursing education

In your CLC group, create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides in which you compare the pros and cons of continuing nursing education related to the following: Impact on competency. Impact on knowledge and attitudes. Relationship to professional certification. Relationship to ANA Scope and Standards of Practice. Relationship to ANA Code of Ethics.   Take […]

Anecdotal or Narrative Evidence

This assignment can be found in Course Tools, Journals: The stories we tell… Changing the script… To be posted by Wednesday, 10-21 Please listen to the following This American Life, Episode 555: The Incredible Rarity of Changing Your Mind, Prologue and Act 1 and 2 only. Come to class prepared to discuss what you the episode. Additionally, please […]

Language Arts Unit

EED-475 Language Arts Unit Plan Benchmark Assignment and Rubric Targeted Essential Learning Effective teachers will utilize research-based, best practices to design, plan, implement, and manage instruction that aligns to language arts academic standards. (InTASC 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10) Assessment Tool Selected Language arts mini-lesson plan Specific Performance/Task(s) • Create a standards-based unit […]

meeting the basic components of fitness

Apart from meeting the basic components of fitness including flexibility, muscle strength, and cardio-respiratory endurance, the complementary movement therapies such as yoga, tai chi, and chi gung support health and wellness. Choose one of the complementary movement therapies and discuss how it supports health and wellness. Cite sources from the readings or online library. When […]

Integrating Science and Mathematics

EED-364 Integrating Science and Mathematics Benchmark Assignment and Rubric Targeted Essential Learning Effective teachers will use research-based, best practices to design, plan, implement, and manage instruction that is aligned to elementary science academic standards. (InTASC 4,7) Assessment Tool Selected Integrated Math and Science Unit Plan Specific Performance/Task(s) • Create a standards-based unit plan for an […]

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Assume that you are a consultant hired by this organization to study it and provide recommendations about your findings. Evaluate the organization you have chosen to study throughout this course. Provide the following in your paper that is due this week: lists 5 basic categories of human needs. Identify the 5 categories and describe each […]

Principles of Holistic Care

Principles of Holistic Care Discuss the principles of holistic care and the four principles of the holistic caring process Discuss the differences in patient needs when developing a holistic plan of care Discuss the similarities and differences between complementary and alternative medicine and western medicine Describe the role of nutrition, exercise, humor and music therapy […]

RTI Model Brochure

Develope a three-tiered RTI model brochure for parents as a resource regarding students struggling with reading that includes the following: 1.    Tier 1: Screening and group interventions 2.    Tier 2: Targeted interventions 3.    Tier 3: Intensive interventions and evaluation In the brochure, incorporate the following components: Definition of response to RTI. Why implement the RTI […]

EPA and OSHA Case study

EPA and OSHA are regulatory agencies charged with protecting Americans from significant risks to human health, both environmental and occupational. Each agency develops and enforces regulations and maintains partnerships with other agencies to accomplish its mission. For this assignment, review the functions of the EPA and OSHA. Then, select a case study from the website […]