Media and Cultural Criticism

Explain how celebrities and tabloids have a symbiotic relationship. In answering this question, use academic literature to discuss how tabloids and celebrities relate to each other, and paparazzi and invasion of privacy v. freedom of speech.   Introduction This essay will try to answer the above question by investigating the notions of celebrity andtabloid newspapers. […]


make 3 to four slides covering: 1. The introduction of NAFTA, Definition, overview, size, member nations   Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Order now, for an amazing discount.

Managed Care Trends/Issues Analysis

Research and evaluate what you believe to be the top three most significant trends/ issues in managed care today. Provide explanations for your three choices. Your paper must be three to five double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.  Utilize a minimum […]


Identify 2 arguments in favor and 2 opposed to using the genetic Engineering concepts/methods that are depicted in the movie Gattaca. In addition, summarize your personal position. base your position on one of the ethical theories discussed in class.   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What […]

Adobe Connect technology

Based on the topic and outline from previous units, you will make a formal oral presentation to your instructor and peers. You will be required to present for 10–12 minutes using the Adobe Connect technology within the course area. Specifically, you will create 10–12 PowerPoint slides with your complete script in the notes area. The […]

Death by Unnatural Causes

DQ1: Chapter 13 This chapter discusses reasons why small businesses want to grow and also some of the challenges they face in the process of growth. But here is another perspective. Based on reading of Chapter 13 and the article linked to the URL above discuss whether it is possible to be a successful […]

thought provoking and challenging to your existing beliefs

The purpose of this writing assignment is to explore both sides of a controversial issue by obtaining facts about both. This assignment is meant to be thought provoking and challenging to your existing beliefs. For some students, learning about “the other side” of an issue will only reinforce what they already believe. Other students will […]

Integrating Technology

Integrating Technology Discuss the following: What evidence did you see and hear by watching Mr. PronovostDifferentiating Instruction Through Interactive Games that supports what has been learned thus far regarding setting & communicating learning objectives, using the gradual release model, giving feedback, and assessment? How does he specifically structure his lesson to incorporate technology? How does using […]


Midterm Study Guide for Humanities 101 I You should study the themes that we have discussed in relation to each of the texts. These themes are best studied in relation to the passages that we have discussed in lecture or other significant passages in yo ur texts. However, I list these themes below: quest for […]

command sentence

How do I change this sentence : The beekeeper collects honey from the hive. into a command sentence?   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What We Offer:   On-time delivery guarantee   PhD-level writers   Automatic plagiarism check   100% money-back guarantee   100% Privacy and Confidentiality […]


This paper will focus on one artist, selected from your text, World of Art or websites provided by instructor. Research biographical information on this artist and select TWO works for discussion and analysis. Give the name of the artist, the title, date and medium of the works of art you have chosen. Identify the theme. […]


Watch the video titled “Scripps,” located in Week 5 of your Blackboard course. From the video, isolate one (1) of the many aspects of the Scripps recruitment and interview process that could be most attributable to Scripps’ ample supply of registered nurses when there is a nursing shortage across the country. State how you could […]

Identifying Misleading Information in an Argument

“Identifying Misleading Information in an Argument” Please respond to the following: Consider the following argument: There are many arguments for the elimination or modification of current U. S. drug laws, but one of the most persuasive involves what negative effects drug laws are having on society in comparison with the effects of the drugs themselves. […]

Photo Fact-Checking

Content for Wiki Week 5: Photo Fact-Checking Select a photo from any media source (Internet or print) that piques your curiosity about the photo’s authenticity – whether the photo is “real” or “a fake.” View the video from The National Literacy Project, “Photo Fact-Checking in the Digital Age” at     Apply the […]

Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development Instructions: The Final Project requires you to develop a training and Organizational Development (OD) proposal and presentation to senior management targeted at improving diversity training within an organization of your choice. Many organizations have extended managing diversity programs beyond HRD programs and processes by changing human resource management (HRM) policies and programs to meet the special needs of the new […]

Research Critique

Prepare a critical analysis of a qualitative study focusing on the problem statement, study purpose, research question, literature review, and theoretical framework. This can be one of the selected articles from your previous literature review or a new peer-reviewed article. The completed analysis should be 1,000-1,250 words and should connect to your identified practice problem […]

Music composition

notate and submit the following modes that they play both in treble and bass clef simultaneously. In the file, Assignemt 1-part A and B.   Click Order now to have a similar paper completed for you by our team of Experts.


Summarize and analyze Hume’s critique of the argument from design.   one and half page   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What We Offer:   On-time delivery guarantee   PhD-level writers   Automatic plagiarism check   100% money-back guarantee   100% Privacy and Confidentiality   High Quality […]

Western Civilization

HST103 Western Civilization I   QUIZ II   In approximately two double-spaced pages plus academic bibliography of two or more sources each, choose two religious/political/economic Crusades carried out between 1095 and 1492 by westerners. For each Crusade, briefly answer the following when applicable in paragraph form:   In what years did it occur? Was it […]

Commercial Swine Production

Swine Activity     Swine Production at Oregon State   Please watch the following video by clicking on the link below. Use the video to assist you in answering the questions listed.   Video:   Questions:      General Management What are some challenges the OSU Swine Center faces? Name the three breeds that represent […]

Students’ Self-Service Website for Mobile Devices

Write a ten to fifteen (10-15) page term paper that can help the university achieve its objective. The paper must address the following topics:   Information Gathering   Describe the following: The purpose and goals of the mobile self-service. The target audience. The audience needs and wants. The resources that will be required to achieve […]

omnichannel retailing

USE THIE TO HELP YOU   here are some resources to help you write the outline piece. Skim the articles and follow this format, along with the references I’ve provided. I used some of the articles from my portion for continuity, along with ones I researched. What is the main idea from each article in […]

brave new world

1 page paper about brave new world the 1998 version   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What We Offer:   On-time delivery guarantee   PhD-level writers   Automatic plagiarism check   100% money-back guarantee   100% Privacy and Confidentiality   High Quality custom-written papers

Creating a plan

Elected and appointed officials at all levels of government are faced with the dilemma of raising demands for services and diminishing financial resources needed to meet those demands. The traditional method of using a public agency to implement policy and deliver services is no longer possible or even desirable in many cases. Governments in the […]

argument essay

Religion class, a weekly argument essay from 1 to two pages from reading coulple articles.. ??? need a good deal,   For a custom paper on the above topic, place your order now!   What We Offer:   On-time delivery guarantee   PhD-level writers   Automatic plagiarism check   100% money-back guarantee   100% Privacy […]

Critical Review Paper ( Art )

Critical  Review One Critical  Review  Two 101  Basic  Design C.  Baskin As  the  writing  component  of  this  Writing  Enriched  Course  you  will  be  completing  two  critical  review papers  that  will  consist  of  500  words  each.  They  must  be  typed,  using  a 12 -­‐ point font  and double -­‐ spaced . Critical  thinking  combines : Ø […]

women and the pursuit of happiness and/or equality

Papers #2 (topics—length 3-4 double-spaced pages (900-1200 words), Works Cited, MLA format).   Required Books: 1. Wollstonecraft. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. e-text link: 2. Elizabeth Cady Stanton. “The Declaration of Sentiments” e-text link: 3. Pollan, Michael. The Botany of Desire. Random House, 2002. ISBN: 978-0-375-76039-6. 4. Marx. The Communist Manifesto ISBN: […]

creating an environment that fosters learning

two insights and/or ideas that you gained from your coursework this week that you believe are integral to creating an environment that fosters learning, and explain how these ideas are in sync with your philosophy of teaching and learning. Cite your ideas or insights, and explain if, in any way, current politics have affected your […]

Applying Evidence-Based Solutions

As a public health professional, it is important that, whenever possible, the solutions you pose have evidence to support them. In your Scholar-Practitioner Project, you will practice applying an evidence-based solution to a perceived public health problem. The Assignment (4-5 pages): Submit a 4 to 4-page paper describing the following: One  evidence-based solution you might use to […]