Risk and Resilience.

Risk and Resilience Analyze the risk and resilience factors in child maltreatment on the cultural, community, family, and child levels. Include the following points in your analysis: • Identify some indicators that these issues may be present. • Create a plan, as an advocate and leader, of how you would intervene in order to reduce […]

The Range of Childhood Trauma.

1. Create a list at least 20 traumatic events or conditions that might affect children. 2.Select one traumatic event or condition from the list you generated. -Research the range of symptoms and presenting problems that are typically found in children who have experienced this situation and share your findings in your post. Looking for the […]

Evocative Production and Written Reflection.

• The Evocative Production needs to be a creative piece of work that clearly reflects the themes and lived experiences explored in the lectures, readings, tutorial presentations and tutorial discussions. • The format taken is your choice and we suggest that you use a medium that you are good at or would like to try. […]

personal three different tests.

Information on the paper: You will be taking three different personality tests online and discussing/evaluating your results in a written 3 page paper.You must mention the three different test you have taken in the paper . There are many online tests available. Some suggested sites include: Similarminds.com Queendom.com Jung Typology test Myers-Briggs test humanmetrics.com Looking […]

How nature and nurture debates applies to CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR.

Using your knowledge and understanding of psychology, discuss how nature and nurture debates applies to CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR. Within your answer, you must make reference to the Watson quote outlined in the scenario by applying the principles of behaviorari. Watson quote “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them […]

Applied Modern Attachment Theory and Self-Psychology.

Write six pages of content on Modern Attachment Theory and Self Psychology analysis applied to a case study. Issues of diversity should be brought up in the self-psychology section. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.