self direction.

Read the book, SELF-DIRECTED BEHAVIOR DAVID L. WATSON & ROLAND G THARP CHAPTER 3, (pg. 108-SDB 9th ed OR 10th ed on pg124)DO STEP #3.The main idea is over spending on buying stuff, clothing( expensive dresses) or things i ay not need.( You can made up for 7 days) Create a recording system for self-observation […]

Difference of Opinion.

Should English be the official language of the United States? Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.


Answer the following questions by writing a short essay. 1. Describe how qualitative and quantitative approaches to research differ in terms of: a) their underlying philosophical framework b) the type of research questions that are typically addressed c) the nature of data that is collected and the method of collecting data d) the method of […]

violation of the American Psychological Association's Code of Ethics.

“Stephen Collins’ wife alleges he had secret life in court docs: I believe there are other victims”, located at “A guide to Psychology and its Practice:Confidentiality”, located at 1). Determine whether or not the release of the taped therapy sessions violates the American Psychological Association’s Code of Ethics. Next, discuss the likelihood of […]

The social context of prejudice.

Read this article: The Women Behind The Masks Of Hate (Links to an external site.) Also read Box 9.4 in the textbook (p. 357) And this: Klan Women ( L.O.T.I.E ) (Links to an external site.) Then discuss the following questions: What kind of women would join the hate group? What are […]

Altered states of consciousness and meditation.

What is your understanding of how altered states of consciousness can alter the structure and function of one’s brain? Which clients might meditation be appropriate for meditation and which might not? Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.

Peer pressure.

write a reflection on what you think has had the biggest impact on your personality. do you think your genes are mostly responsible, or has your upbringing played a more significant role? how much do your friends and peer pressure influence your personality? Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized […]

Completing the Request for Proposal.

•Explain steps you would take to complete the Request for Proposal. Include where you might go for information, who you might talk to, and who you might enlist to assist with the process. •Describe potential challenges related to completing the RFP and explain how you might address them. Looking for the best essay writer? Click […]

Conducting and Analyzing Statistical Tests.

A study wants to examine the relationship between student anxiety for an exam and the number of hours studied. The data is as follows: Student Anxiety Scores Study Hours 5 1 10 6 5 2 11 8 12 5 4 1 3 4 2 6 6 5 1 2 Why is a correlation the most […]

Humanistic vs. Existential.

After reading “Psychological Data and Human Values” by Maslow; “The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change” by Rogers; and “Logotherapy and Existentialism” by Frankl, complete the following 1. Summarize each article. 2. Evaluate how the article aligns with the theorist’s perspective Frankl/Existential Maslow and Rogers/Humanistic. 3. How could each of these research articles […]

Advanced counselling skills in crisis intervention.

critically review a set of journal articles and write a summary paper that highlights the effectiveness of advanced counselling skills in crisis intervention. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.  

Learned Helplessness.

Learned Helplessness. Provide an in depth description of how learned helplessness affects people. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements. Why Choose Us ? Best Custom and Creative Essay Writing :- We have been providing custom papers to students across the globe since 2009. […]

Reflection paper on ethics in mental health counseling.

Reflection paper on ethics in mental health counseling. write a reflection paper that focus on ethics. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements. Why Choose Us ? Best Custom and Creative Essay Writing :- We have been providing custom papers to students across the […]


Abnormal Psychology, An Integrative Approach, 7th edition by Barlow and Durand, ISBN: 978-1285755618 reading of Chapter 2, analyze the differences among the various contributions and factors relevant to psychopathology. Compare and contrast the included approaches, citing differences and similarities. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per […]

Youth Mental Health.

Analyze the concerns of a young person in today’s society and the pressures and influences that may severely affect the youth’s mental health and ability to cope. Include the following: • Identify resources available in your own community that you can utilize to promote the emotional well-being of youth. • Develop a plan of how […]

Substance Use Prevention.

Create a discussion regarding the prevention of substance use among youth. Include the following: • Analyze risk and protective factors that influence this behavior. • Develop a plan that incorporates various cessation and prevention strategies. 1. Find your own research on programs that are geared toward youth. 2. Discuss efficacy rates and factors that may […]


This assignment is a library research paper with documentation in which you will examine PTSD, or vulnerable population (military PTSD). Examine intervention strategies you have employed for the mental health problem including referral issues, engagement, (mind-brain-body involvement) and diagnosis, contracting, core/middle/last phase(including the use of relationship and expressions of resistance), termination, aftercare, and evaluation of […]

quantitative research review.

Find one current journal article from a peer-reviewed journal in your field that you believe is a good resource for this Unit on positivism and the quantitative method. This means it should be a scholarly article that is either an example of quantitative research, or is an analysis of quantitative research. Write a one-paragraph description […]

Humanistic Psychology.

Write a paper based on the thought on the two articles and video provided Wade, N. J. (2012). Perception. In R. W. Rieber (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the history of psychological theories (pp. 773-788). New York, NY: Spriner. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0463-8_198. (Saybrook Library > Books > Springer ebook Collection in Behavioral Sciences (Links to an external site.)) […]

Family and Relationships.

critically evaluate current conceptualizations of families and social development against published research evidence. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.

Evaluation of personality measures.

write about any topic of the following : 1. personality resarch methods or evaluation of personality measures Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.

Scale to measure depression.

find Three Scales to measure depression for college students, the first scale could be Beck Depression scale and find the rest. please be aware to write each page for one scale. include how much each scale is reliable and valid with references, also how long it has been used and what the parts of each […]

personality traits.

Are personality traits inherited? Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.

Media and Self-Esteem.

Search electronic and printed media to find an advertisement that may negatively impact adolescent self-esteem or body image (or both). Analyze the impact the advertisement may have on youth. Complete the following: • Post a link to the advertisement or attach a picture of it to your post. • Identify the message the image sends. […]

Diversity – Colonization, Racism, Immigration, Adaptation.

Consider ways in which you as a future community psychologist might apply action and research tools to address issues related to colonization, racism, immigration, and adaptation within a global context. How might you use intervention and research to facilitate liberation and well-being in the context of specific examples of colonization, racism, immigration, and adaptation? Describe […]

Child psychology.

Write up your summary and appraisal of the journal article, about child psychology . Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.