Did Jim and Laura Buy a Car?

Jim and Laura Buyer visit the local car dealership because they are interested in buying a new car. The car they currently have is aging and is starting to have mechanical problems. Jim and Laura would share the new car, and use it to go back and forth to work and school. Before going to […]

Paralegalism/ Law

Please Review Assignments uploaded as word documents. Must be completed fully and to the proper formatting instructed. West Law research access is required by the writer being assigned. I will be inquiring for progress updates each day and be available for additional questions. Briefing options will be provided in PDF format for the briefing portions […]

Employment-At-Will Doctrine

Assignment 2: Employment-At-Will Doctrine Imagine you are a recently-hired Chief Operating Officer (COO) in a midsize company preparing for an Initial Public Offering (IPO). You quickly discover multiple personnel problems that require your immediate attention. John posted a rant on his Facebook page in which he criticized the company’s most important customer. Ellen started a […]

Defending a killer

Your first big case is a multiple murder. As defense attorney representing the killer, you have come to the realization that he really did break into couple’s home and tortured them in the course of robbing them of jewelry and other valuables. He has even confessed to you that he did it. However, you are […]

Commercial Vehicle Repairs PLC

Commercial Vehicle Repairs PLC (“CVR”) repairs vehicles for small businesses. Last month CVR entered in to repair contracts with (among other customers) Parsons Plumbing Ltd (“PPL”) and Bright Sparks Ltd (“BSL”). PPL’s managing director, Iwan Parsons, telephoned CVR to arrange the repair of one of its vans and its truck. After the telephone conversation, CVR […]

Construction Law

The following guidelines should be strictly adhered to: All propositions of law referred to in the legal problem question – see section A of the assignment below – should be supported by an appropriate reference to a case or statute or, in the case of a reference to a standard form of building contract such […]

Equity and Trust Law

Equity and Trust Law. In June 2015, Butlers, a large Liverpool based business, hired a cargo ship – The Rodney – to Conways, a London based firm of oil shippers, for a period of twelve months. Payment for The Rodney was to be on a monthly basis. Payment for the hire of the ship for […]


‘The establishment of direct effect and the supremacy of EU law was a mistake. The various rationales employed by the Court of Justice to justify their development have been seriously flawed. The principles governing the supremacy of EU law are far too strict while the principles governing direct effect are an incoherent mess. Yet these problems can be […]

Contract Law

Contract law. Contractors and consultants may wish to limit or exclude their liability by a contractual clause. Thiswill reduce their risk and eventually reduce the cost. Discuss the validity / enforceability of such aclause under UAE and English laws.Important points should be incorporated in the assignment:1. ­The size of this document must not exceed 3000 […]


Critically compare and evaluate the approach to mediation through the Civil Procedure Act 2010 and the pre-litigation requirements under the Federal Court. Is one a better model and why? Are each likely to achieve their aims? What problems do arise, or are likely to arise with each model?- AUSTRALIA Looking for the best essay writer? […]

John Wayne Gacy a.k.a. Killer Clown

Briefly talk about John Gacy bio. Provided details about the investigation process which lead to his capture. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.

Corporate Law

Practice Question – Members’ Remedies Watermark Specialists Ltd (WSL) is a public company incorporated in the 1970s. At the time of formation, the Memorandum of Association of the company stated that the object of the company was to manufacture high quality paper products and stationery. A large number of the original shareholders were independent producers, […]

Hamas – Terrorism Research Paper

Hamas – Terrorist or Freedom Fighters.Dive into the Hamas organization, provide a background on their founding, what they stand for, what they represent, goals and aspirations of the group, the political stance and importance the group has for Gaza and the people of Gaza, how the Western World views them, and how people of the […]

Corporate Law Essay

How often and when must companies hold an annual general meeting? According to section 250N of the Corporations Act, public companies must hold an annual general meeting (AGM) within 18 months after their registration. After the first meeting all subsequent meetings should be held at least once every calendar year and within five months following […]

Criminal Justice Operations

Describe your opinion of how today’s criminal justice operates. Include the following: 1. How does someone know of the crimes in their state or of federal crimes? 2. What is criminal punishment? 3. Do we need criminal punishment? If yes, why so (i.e., purposes) and for what crimes? If not, why not? Explain your answer […]

Construction Law, Contracts and Dispute Resolution

Scenario: You are the client’s quantity surveyor. Your firm has been engaged by the University of Portsmouth for some time to develop proposals for a project to extend the Portland Building. This proposal involves the construction of a new full-height wing to the existing building (to match the opposite wing) on the site of an […]

Cyber Law

This paper involves an analysis of two pieces of legislation from 2012, that dealt with cybersecurity, neither of which was enacted into law. To write this paper, review the summaries of the proposed legislation, prepared by the Library of Congress. Given the specific topics considered in this course, answer the following questions: 1. How would […]

Banking Control Law in Saudi Arabia, Lacks and development

1- An overview of the competition law in Saudi Arabia and the applicable effective for this type of laws. Moreover, indicate to the legal text which is related to this study. 2- To what extent this law will effective on the banking industry in Saudi Arabia if SAMA could adapt the legal text of that […]

Corporate Law & Practice

Problem Question Colour Paints Ltd (“Paints”) is a public company of which Black, White and Brown are the directors. Each of these directors controls a 10% shareholding in Paints. No other single shareholder holds more than a 5% shareholding in the company. Paints was established some time ago in order to improve the buying power […]

Case Law

“…it is well settled that a trust can be created without using the words ‘trust’ or ‘confidence’ or the like: the question is whether in substance a sufficient intention to create a trust has been manifested.” (Megarry C-C, Re Kayford Ltd). Discuss With reference to case law, critically discuss this statement.

English Tort Law: Directness in Intentional Torts

Question: What are the virtues and shortcomings of the directness requirement in intentional torts? Use examples from specific torts to ground and demonstrate your views. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.

Administration of justice

What is the LCAU? – (The American Civil Liberties Union) Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.

Personal Statement

“statement of educational and professional goals” Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.

Governmental Crimes and Public Corruption

Explore crimes by the government, including corruption, bribes, and the code of silence. Examine the causes and forms of political and public corruption, and the ethical implications of government experiments that led to corruption. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.

Investigations into racist crimes in the United Arab Emirates

identify a research topic and conduct a provisional literature review and methodology for study in your chosen topic area. o Situate the proposed research in the context of a concise assessment and synthesis of six (N=6) key reference works. These works should focus on academic research outputs such as articles from quality academic journals (e.g. […]

Investigation of fraud checks.

identify a research topic and conduct a provisional literature review and methodology for study in your chosen topic area. Identify the range of possibilities and key focus for primary data collection from human subjects (e.g., questionnaires, interviews, observations, participation in experimental scenarios, etc.). Assess the ethical issues in terms of the balance between the scientific […]