Group Case Study: Chinese Negotiation Strategies

Suppose you have been selected to represent your organization in the negotiation of a business transaction in China. Before leaving for China, you prepare yourself by learning the most widely used and accepted negotiation styles and strategies in China. You read newspaper articles and research studies on negotiation strategies. In addition, you analyze the cultural […]

state foreign policy propaganda redundant=

Has the development and growth of modern communications, especially the internet, rendered state foreign policy propaganda redundant? (In international relations under propaganda and foreign policy) Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.

International Human Resource Management

What is International Human Resource Management? The field of international human resource management (IHRM) broadly covers all the issues related to the management of people in an international context. As such, it typically entails a broader perspective, more human resource activities, greater risk exposure, and broader external influences compared to domestic HRM. IHRM is also […]

The Arab Spring

Describe what took place during the political movement known as the Arab Spring and indicate which countries were affected. Analyze the impact of this movement on one of these countries in terms of political and social change. Determine if this movement will increase or decrease the amount of terrorism activity emanating from the country you […]

A Comparison of Zapatistas and ISIS

Compare and Contrast the Zapatistas and ISIS in terms of political and economic history. In what ways are they struggling for similar goals or using the same methods? In what ways do they have very different projects? Pay particular attention to the global strategies, territorial claims and their position in the global economic system of […]

cyber security concerns.

Critically explore and analyse the principal cyber security concerns emerging from recent technological developments. 1- Introduction: define cyber security, define its importance consequences of the failures. 2- Main body: pros and cons of technological developments, and new cyber security policies. 3- discuss the cyber space legislation and its changes caused by the technological developments. 4 […]

Intercultural Communication.

In what ways does the U.S. legal system reflect the European American view of argumentation and persuasion? Does your culture value a particular style of persuasion? Do your own preferred ways of persuading others reflect your culture’s style of persuasion? Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as […]

Intercultural Communication

In what ways does the U.S. legal system reflect the European American view of argumentation and persuasion? Does your culture value a particular style of persuasion? Do your own preferred ways of persuading others reflect your culture’s style of persuasion? Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as […]

Small Biz & Entrepreneurial The link above is the article u should read first. Read critically and write up two parts for your CP requirement; (1) the first part about “what is the article about?” and (2) the second paragraph about “what you personally think about the article? What is your opinion and reflection?” The length of one […]

Major problems facing elderly citizens in the country.

Choose a country, and write about one of the following topics in that country: 1. Economy Analyse the country’s economic strengths and vulnerabilities, and suggest how the government should respond to the vulnerabilities. 2. Arts Choose an artist, a work of art, or an art genre (e.g. a film, television series, a novelist, a band, […]

International Management.

Select a current article related to Multinational Corporations . read the article and tell why you chose this particular article. Give your perspective on the article and how it relates to what you’re currently studying in the course. There should articles chosen on the following topics: * Ethics in International management * Strategic disposition that […]

Cultural Profile on Brazil.

Develop a cultural profile for Brazil. Indicate specific findings regarding religion, kinship, recreation, and other subsystems. Include the prevailing attitudes toward time, change, material factors, and individualism for the country you selected. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.

Non-State Actors.

Do the activities of non-state actors strengthen or weaken the sovereign power of states in world affairs? In your answer appeal to select theories, actors and examples in contemporary world politics. Looking for the best essay writer? Click below to have a customized paper written as per your requirements.