Balancing Responsibility
Project description
The U.S. has a responsibility to protect its interests and its citizens, but it must also respect other nations’ powers. How should the U.S. balance the responsibility of protecting our interests and promoting democratic values, and yet not become too invasive in other nations? What is the appropriate balance of intervention and isolation?
Using a Google or Word document, write a four-paragraph persuasive essay that answers that final question. Your thesis should be your answer to that question, and you should have at least two arguments that support your thesis. Conclude with a summary of your arguments and with a way for the country to move forward.
Consider doing further research into some of the events or issues you’ve learned about in this unit in order to make concise arguments that defend your thesis.
Follow this simple outline:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Supporting argument 1
Supporting argument 2
Paragraph 2: Supporting argument 1: expand
Paragraph 3: Supporting argument 2: expand
Paragraph 4:Conclusion
Added on 04.10.2015 19:45
The U.S. exercises power in foreign affairs in many different ways. The U.S. has embassies and diplomats all over the world. These diplomats meet with diplomats from other nations. They try to promote U.S. interests and values. When they promote U.S. interests they try to support things that help Americans, like allowing U.S. business into other nations and establishing free trade agreements. A free trade agreement is when the U.S. can trade with that nation without any limitations or extra taxes or fees. When they support U.S. values, U.S. diplomats try to persuade other nations to become more democratic, support human rights, and end slavery, poverty and other human rights abuses.
This is a picture of the US having bilateral discussions with the UK. They are a close ally and we usually work out our differences without too much trouble. Image courtesy of the NCEP.
For example, while she was Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton promoted women”s rights in other nations. She met with women all over the world. She declared at a conference that “Women”s rights are human rights.” She connected women”s issues to issues of the economy, food, and political stability. These are all American values that she felt were important ideas to share with the world.
When the U.S. has a conflict the first avenue is usually diplomacy. Again, diplomacy means to have diplomats from America talk with diplomats from the nation that the U.S. is having a conflict with. When the U.S. negotiates with a nation one-on-one it is called bilateral talks. The word “bi” means two.
If this does not work nations will often turn to other nations. When lots of nations are negotiating this is called multilateral discussions. When the U.S. has extreme troubles with North Korea we often turn to Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan, to put even greater pressure on North Korea.
When the U.S. meets with a nation it often offers aid. The U.S. spends billions of dollars on food and military training to help other nations. Often the U.S. will offer aid as an incentive to promote U.S. values and interests.
If these continue to get worse then the U.S. may break off diplomatic relations with the nation. For example, the U.S. does not have an embassy in Iran nor in North Korea. The U.S. has often had major conflicts with these nations and so refuses to talk directly with them.
The next step that the U.S. engages in is called economic sanctions. This is when the U.S. refuses to trade or do business with the nation. For example the U.S. has had a trade embargo on Cuba for about 60 years. This means that we have not traded with Cuba since the “50s. If you travel to Cuba you will see that many of the cars are from the “50s. Cuba has not been able to buy new manufactured cars because the U.S. and her allies refuse to trade with Cuba until they allow free elections and provide human rights like freedom of speech.
The U.S. is a really powerful economic nation. The U.S. also has allies that are powerful economic nations. When the U.S. and her allies put economic sanctions on a nation it can really hurt their economy. This article discusses how the U.S. uses sanctions to stop North Korea from getting supplies to build nuclear weapons: Sanctions Slowing N. Korea Down: UN.
When diplomacy, sanctions, or special ops cannot solve the conflict sometimes the U.S. chooses to go to war. The U.S. has fought three wars in the last twenty years, two in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. The conflict in Afghanistan lasted more than a decade.
After the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990″s the U.S. became the only superpower in the world. No nation spends even half as much as we spend on our military. We have military satellites that watch the entire world. U.S. satellites are so powerful they can read the logo on a golf ball. The U.S. has atomic submarines that silently travel the depths of the ocean. They have the capacity to fire missiles to any part of the globe. The U.S. has new unmanned aerial drones that spy on other nations and can drop weapons. The U.S. has the most technological advanced fighter jets and helicopters that are invisible to radar. They have top special-ops teams that are the best trained in the world. The U.S. is so powerful that many people criticize it as too powerful. Many nations accuse the U.S. of being too involved in other nations” problems. There is enormous controversy around the world about America”s role as the “police” of the world. The United States must find a difficult balance between defending its interests and values and intervening too heavily in other countries.
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Balancing Responsibility
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