Artificial intelligence & machine learning

AArtificial intelligence & machine learningNeed to write 10 pages for the highlighted section of the outline attached The paper should conclude with recommendations for further research or possible solutions that could be evaluated. A complete list of references, in APA format, should follow along with any Appendices.• Title Page (not included in page count) • Table of Contents – indicating student sections (not included in page count)General reference works such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, wikipedia, will not be considered as sources meeting this requirement. The list could include books, journal articles, industry reports, authoritative web sites, manufacturers’ sites or sites from research groups. Remember, all quotations, paraphrased material, images, graphics and statistics must be referenced in your report, so make note of all sources while compiling your research!Attachmentsrtificial intelligence & machine learningNeed to write 10 pages for the highlighted section of the outline attached The paper should conclude with recommendations for further research or possible solutions that could be evaluated. A complete list of references, in APA format, should follow along with any Appendices.• Title Page (not included in page count) • Table of Contents – indicating student sections (not included in page count)General reference works such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, wikipedia, will not be considered as sources meeting this requirement. The list could include books, journal articles, industry reports, authoritative web sites, manufacturers’ sites or sites from research groups. Remember, all quotations, paraphrased material, images, graphics and statistics must be referenced in your report, so make note of all sources while compiling your research!Attachments

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