Part I: Short answer (IDs) (5 pts. each, for a total of 25 pts.). Locate a significant exposition of each term listed below in Nardi’s My Life as a Night Elf Priest and: identify the seminal
thinker she references (1 pt.): define the term (1 pt.): explain how it is important and what it has been used for in the anthropological study of popular culture (2 pts.): and give one example
from a different class reading or film (Beautiful Losers or Thank You for Playing) in order to illustrate your definition (1 pt.). Each short answer should be paragraph-length and must contain
parenthetical references (Author Year, pg# or Director Year, timecode). • Aesthetic experience • Moral panic • Magic circle (your example may be an in-class activity for this term only) • Activity
theory • Digital rules
Option #1 POPULAR CULTURE: What does anthropology teach us about contemporary popular culture? Make an argument about this question by exploring three different topics covered in this class such as
fairy tales, rumor, commodities, clothing, digital piracy, street art, or games and playing. Be sure to move beyond the empirical and reference specific conceptual terms in your argument. You may
use readings, films or class exercise materials to answer this question (10 pts.)
Option #2 MATERIAL CULTURE: How have anthropologists defined material culture and developed it into an approach to the study of popular culture? Make an explicit comparison between course texts and
Nardi’s discussion of video game software and computer technologies. To answer this question, draw on the texts by Kilroy-Marac, Miller and Woodward, and Nardi, as well as any others you deem
appropriate (10 pts.)

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