Zipcar Case Study

Zipcar Case Study.

  1. Describe Zipcar’€™s business model, including how it has evolved between December 1999 and May 2000. What does the data from the September operations say about how the business model is playing out in practice?
  2. What actions do you recommend Chase take as a result of your analysis of the September operating data (Exhibit 8B)?
  3. What is the strongest argument Chase could make to a potential investor regarding the potential attractiveness of Zipcar as an investment opportunity? Specifically, what do you recommend she be sure to include in her pitch at the upcoming Springboard venture forum?


Sample Solution


Issue AND ITS BACKGROUND Presentation and Background of the Study The Philippines is among those with the most noteworthy level of residents who don’t practice consistently for the most part because of absence of time, absence of individual inspiration and ‘interruptions’ of current life, in view of Sun Life Financial Asia Health Index (Abadilla, 2017). As individuals will in general live progressively stationary lives, the wellness division turns out to be increasingly significant for the worldwide wellbeing status. With that, being wellbeing cognizant is turning into a standard these days where many individuals on the planet are giving significance in dealing with their wellbeing. To have a sound and solid body, individuals would need to consider going to wellness focuses. A wellness focus is a space explicitly assigned for work out, wellness preparing, and physical wellbeing exercises. It gives an extensive, differed program of physical exercises to meet the individual preparing regimens of its inhabitants. Understanding the significance of the administration condition in fulfilling and holding individuals is crucial for wellness focuses. The administration condition is additionally a factor in the primary concern productivity of a wellness association (Macintosh and Doherty, 2007). As of late, scientists have tried to comprehend administration quality related with sport projects and offices. Specific consideration has been given to wellbeing and wellness focuses offering administrations to general shoppers with different socio-statistic foundations (Tsuji, Bennett, and Zhang, 2007). Wellness focuses are generally disparaged by both genders. However, there are likewise restrictive places for either sex. Numerous wellness focuses offer the administrations of fitness coaches. Individuals can profit their administrations with a charge. Fitness coaches assume a key job in creating and upgrading customer’s possibilities by training and helping them in arriving at individual wellbeing and wellness objectives. They have the information, aptitudes and capacities important to plan protected and successful work out regimes. (Martin Ginis and Mack, 2012) affirm that the wellness head is frequently refered to as the absolute most significant determinant of an exerciser’s inspiration to proceed in an activity program. Fitness coaches can propel, mentor and train those on their physical wellness venture. A wellness mentor additionally called as fitness coach, is an individual with information on appropriate exercise testing, practice procedure, and wellness preparing who gives guidance and direction to others for arriving at wellness related objectives (Anshel, 2006). Wellness training characterized as helping customers create solid way of life practices outside of organized exercise sessions (Moore and Tschannen, 2010). Fitness coaches and the customers will in general grow close, individual relationship, a characteristic movement more than half a month and months or even years spent gathering together routinely. (McClaran, 2003) found that week by week sessions with a fitness coach fundamentally expanded customer’s capacity to move upward through the phases of progress in regards to physical action. Customers procured fitness coaches dependent on their potential and probably won’t think about the sexual orientation. It is the plausible explanation that there are instances of cross-sexual orientation training in the wellness focuses. Cross-sex instructing happens when the male mentor or coach mentors female competitors or customers and female mentor or mentor mentors male competitors or customers. In any case, a couple of inquiries ring a bell: do these reasons influence the customer’s choice thinking about the frame of mind and sex of their fitness coaches? Is there any bit of leeway or hindrance in picking a male coach over a female mentor and the other way around? Studies have discovered that sexual orientation might be a factor that decides a successful mentor and competitor relationship (Lirgg et al., 1994). There are additionally a few examinations that considered the various impacts through the sex of the wellness mentor on customers’ decision or point of view in light of the fact that now and again customers are in support either having an inverse or same sex wellness mentor. Sex jobs created relating to assumptions regarding the character of people (Diekman and Eagly, 2000). (Melton et al., 2008) upheld that sexual orientation assumes a key job in the determination of a fitness coach. Through this examination, the scientists try to comprehend the cross-sex instructing and whether there is a critical contrast on the view of the respondents on disposition towards male and female fitness coaches in chosen wellness focuses in Metro Manila. Hypothetical Framework Intending to decide the cross-sex instructing and whether there is a noteworthy contrast on the view of the respondents on demeanors towards male and female fitness coaches in chosen wellness focuses in Metro Manila, the analysts were guided by the accompanying speculations: The Social Role Theory (SRT) gives an understanding into sexual orientation gives that may emerge inside the mentor and competitor relationship. As indicated by Eagly and Deikman (2000), sexual orientation jobs created relating to assumptions regarding the character of people. The sexual orientation contrasts that regularly happen in social conduct pursue from the normal attributes of jobs usually held by ladies versus men. Eagly, Wood, and Diekman (2000) expressed that people are believed to connect and respond in the public eye by their normal social jobs. These social jobs are rules of conduct in which one must satisfy inside society. Eagly and her associates accept that it is these social jobs that are liable for the improvement of explicit and unmistakable qualities expected of people and that individual are seen to have attributes that suit the requirements of their particular job. Eagly’s Social Role Theory (1987) contends that people absorb a sexual orientation job contingent upon their sex and carry on diversely in social circumstances, because of the desires that society puts upon them. Men have accepted obligations related with the supplier job, and ladies have expected the main part of childcare and family unit duty (Eagly, Wood, and Diekman, 2000). For example, the hypothesis contends that customary sexual orientation jobs place in ladies reflects public characteristics. Female job is delegated minding and sustaining while the men hold the more manly jobs, for example, authority and decisive jobs reflecting agentic characteristics (Eagly and Koenig, 2006). These cliché jobs depict the lady as being increasingly accommodating and comprehension and men as being progressively decisive and ground-breaking. With respect to the Social Role Theory, people carry on diversely in the general public relying upon their sexual orientation, and the social jobs are created because of the desires that society puts upon them. In connection to that, the scientists need to learn about the point of view or the desires for wellness customers toward their fitness coaches in regards to the sexual orientation. This hypothesis can apply to the examination since it shows that sexual orientation can be a factor that decides a compelling connection between wellness customer and fitness coach. Sex Role Theory (GRT) predicts contrasts or similitudes among guys and females dependent on the level of varieties attributed jobs and related assessments. As per Anselmi and Law (1998), sex jobs are socially and socially characterized solutions and convictions about the conduct and feelings of people. It portrays how somebody showcases his manliness or her gentility. Sex jobs impact how an individual sees others, how that individual feels and how that individual carries on to other people. Since people make, strengthen, and change social jobs, including gendered ones, maybe we ought to think about what is in our aggregate eventual benefits as we participate in these procedures (Shimanoff, 1983). Sexual orientation Role Theory is grounded in the supposition that people socially distinguished as guys and females will in general involve diverse credited jobs inside social structures and will in general be made a decision against dissimilar desires for how they should carry on. Therefore, the hypothesis predicts guys and females will create various abilities and demeanors for that they will carry on in an unexpected way. Correspondence analysts have utilized sexual orientation job hypothesis to clarify and foresee (a) the correspondence practices of females and guys and (b) the assessment of a similar correspondence conduct, when guys and females perform it. As referenced in the Gender Role Theory, there are contrasts and likenesses towards the conduct of male and female in specific circumstances. In connection to that, taking care of the customers appropriately is an important work for the fitness coaches. Coaches modify their very own conduct including the sex jobs dependent on the customer’s character. The sex has an effect on how individuals process correspondence conduct as well as on the mentalities and convictions of the people. Hence, being male or female shifts in this investigation. Reasonable Framework The specialists will utilize the C.I.P.P. model, which was created by Daniel Stufflebeam in 1983 for the applied structure of the examination. The C.I.P.P. represents Context-Input-Process-Product. Figure 1: Conceptual Framework Figure 1 shows the primary factors examined on the investigation. The setting of the investigation is Cross Gender Coaching. The contributions of the examination remember the statistic profile of the respondents for terms of age, sexual orientation, calling, instructive foundation and long periods of wellness focus cooperation. Another info is the view of the respondents on the mentality towards male and female fitness coaches just as the huge contrast on their recognitions when gathering as indicated by sexual orientation, instructive foundation, and long stretches of wellness focus interest. For process, the analysts will give review poll that will be the instrument for examination and understanding of information. The result of the examination incorporates the information and consequences of the overview just as the proposals. The model gives a sy>

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