Write my Paper nurses need appropriate nurse to patient ratios

nurses need appropriate nurse to patient ratios

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Research Argument

Purpose: To develop argumentation, research, critical thinking, writing, and persuasive skills and create a polished research-based academic argument.

Essay Assignment #3—the final essay assignment of the course—is an extended research project of at least 1300 words in which you will argue a position concerning an issue that relates to your chosen profession (or, if you do not have a “chosen profession,” a career, field, or profession that interests you). Your research should come from credible sources. In your final essay, you will reference at least four outside sources to support your points.

You will begin by identifying specific career-related controversies in the field, and then you will choose one controversy to focus on for your annotated bibliography and essay; then, you will research the controversy, develop an annotated bibliography, refine your topic, generate ideas, and develop a working thesis.

Then, you will begin to draft the essay and revise your thesis as needed. Your final essay should be detailed in terms of content, evidence, sources, and support. The topic should be tight and focused, and your position should be responsibly, persuasively, and credibly argued. As with any strong argument essay, you should:
•Begin with a focused introduction
•Support your argument with a series of focused body paragraphs
•Conclude with a focused conclusion in which you sum up your main points and emphasize the significance of your argument
•Reference outside sources smoothly and effectively to illustrate points and to support claims
•Demonstrate awareness of your rhetorical situation
•Address and respond to counterarguments
•Format the essay MLA style
•Maintain an effective balance of ethos, pathos, and logos
•Convey your points through professional academic writing
•Maintain crisp, clear prose
•Ensure that your finished essay is free of errors

•Content focuses on developing and supporting an argument about a topic related to a specific professional field
•At least four credible outside sources are referenced in the body to support the argument
•Thesis statement is focused, specific, and logical.
•Essay contains an effective blend of ethos, pathos, and logos
•Ideas are logical and presented clearly
•Each major point is developed, supported, and explained fully
•Counterarguments are addressed and responded to (refuted/rebutted)
•Essay maintains a level of formality
•Essay contains at least 1300 words


Organization: 40 Points Possible
•Introductory paragraph is attention-grabbing and introduces the topic
•A thesis statement placed at the end of the introduction outlines the stance/position concerning the issue at hand
•Each body paragraph: ?develops and supports the thesis and main idea
?is focused on a clear point or idea
?is appropriately developed—not too lengthy, not too brief
?contains insightful analytical insights

•Transitional words, phrases/sentences and/or paragraphs link ideas, sentences, and paragraphs together
•Conclusion is well-developed and recaps the thesis and purpose of essay
•The essay flows smoothly from beginning to end
•Essay maintains a level of formality—i.e. no superfluous use of “I”, “we”, “us” or a conversational tone
•All paragraphs are relevant and do not go off on tangents


Source Use, Formatting, and In-Text References: 40 Points Possible
•Source information is woven in smoothly and effectively Methods of source use (summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting) are appropriately and effectively used
•Proper MLA essay formatting is followed
•References and in-text citations comply with MLA standards


Language Use, Sentence Fluency, and Grammar: 20 Points Possible
•Language use is college-level and academically appropriate in tone and style
•Sentences are structurally complete and flow logically and fluidly, one to the next
•A variety of sentences (simple, compound, and complex) convey complex ideas in meaningful ways
•Writing is free of grammar errors and typos

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