Write my Essay on continue work on previously writing. Wrok on Week 7 module

Topic is Dream Job – Administrative Manager!! you might have to finish week 6 then do week 7 module. becuase week 7 bases on week 6. And week 6 bases on something before which is dream job and sorces(see files below i uploaded). do not digress the subject. i got 0 point on week 6, someone did it wrong.

Week 6 module

Using the Purpose section of your document plan and reading through the ten sources you’ve selected should help you determine how you want to set up or format your Fact Sheet. Because there are many possibilities, next week I will provide a specific format, while this week I have provided examples for you to review.

At this point you are reading and putting together all the information you have obtained into a first or rough draft. If you need to locate better sources, now is a good time to do so. Check last week’s module for details on the types or categories of sources.

For your rough draft, it may help to combine the skills, duties, or responsibilities-related sources together. For instance, if you have three sources that relate to skills, read those three sources and then summarize and report that information. Do likewise for the duties sources, and then for the responsibilities sources.

A rough draft does not mean that you have incomplete sentences, or sections that say “will fill in later.” A rough draft means that you have put some thought into what you are going to say, how you are going to say it, and why.

Next week you will have the opportunity to review and revise your fact sheet into a one page, single-spaced document, and include the revision tips for a polished document.

This week you will begin to draft the content or information for your Fact Sheet.

Reading assignment:

Technical Writing Process, chapter 4, pp. 101-115.

Discussion assignment:



Wiki’s information:

Fact Sheet LINK
Various fact sheets (look through the content page and select choices to examine and compare):

United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (LINK
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (LINK
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (LINK
American Academy of Pediatrics (LINK
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (LINK
Written assignment:


The information or content that you are developing will be used in your fact sheet. At this point, you simply need to put together the information in a narrative or story-type way, where you respond to the Purpose section in your document plan. This process will allow you to include information from your various sources.

You can separate information using paragraphs, but there is no need to do any specific formatting at this point — we will apply the structure next week.


1. One to two pages.
2. Put your name and course information at the top. No other information is required, nor requested.
3. Single-space. Check Paragraph menu for Before & After spacing, and Line single-spacing:

Week 7 module

Let’s take the draft content or information that you developed in the Fact Sheet draft and revise it for a more formal presentation.

Your rough draft should have combined the skills, duties, or responsibilities-related sources together. In this way, as you revise your draft, similar information can be presented for your reader.

Next week you will reflect on a “dream job,” and what that means – salary, location, position, hours, perks (benefits), etc.

This week you will review and revise your fact sheet into a one page, single-spaced document using some provided guidelines.

Reading assignment:

Technical Writing Process, chapter 4, pp. 121-134.

Discussion assignment:



Wiki’s information:

Fact Sheet LINK
Various fact sheets (look through the content page and select choices to examine and compare):

United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service LINK
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs LINK
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention LINK
American Academy of Pediatrics LINK
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education LINK
Written assignment:


You have compiled the information from your sources into a draft form, in a narrative or story-type way. This response to the Purpose section of your document plan is a way for you to show how you can professionally respond to a request to gather legitimate, reliable, and verifiable facts. The ten sources are a way to “cross-check,” or validate the various sources of information collected.

As you can see from the examples listed in the Resources section above, Fact sheets have many formats and different purposes. I will provide a generic format for you to follow, as you gain experience in putting together a fact sheet.


1. One page.
2. Put “Fact Sheet,” your name, and job title at the top.
3. Single-space. Check Paragraph menu for Before & After spacing, and Line single-spacing. Also change margins to those specified in the sample fact sheet.
4. Use these section headings:
— Purpose, Deliverables, Audience, Process, and Resources, and include the word count for each section.

Sample Fact sheet

A sample fact sheet预览文档在新窗口中查看 is provided for you. There are TWO pages – please read them both carefully.

Page 1: Contains information about the structure and general content information, and word count, with tips on font type and sizing.
Page 2: Shows a “finished” version of the fact sheet, with specific word count.
NOTE: Another fact sheet example could have a Purpose (including the Audience section), Discussion or Analysis (combining Deliverable and Process sections), and Resources section.

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