write a mini-review paper about either: Treatment strategies for esophageal cancer, or flu antivirals’ current treatments and future drugs, or Monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of disease Essay Dissertation Help

Write a Minireview: which summarizes what is currently known in a particular field (check topic below).
– Minireviews present current research and future directions to a broad audience. They do not generally go into detail about specific methods, but summarize important results from many papers.
– Mini-review is an opinion of an expert ? not only demonstrate info but also critically analyze the information.
– Mini-review focus on the current studies: what is currently know in the field of prostate. (so discuss the current and future treatments).
only use Current study/literature (published in last 5 years (2011-2016)). Older papers can only be used to support an idea that is talking about the current studies

The writer can offer opinion of best treatment, but must always backup his statements and claims with experimental results and evidences. The minireview can also mention contradictory results between different papers and critically analyze them. It ca state the future therapies (potentially) and their limitations.

Topic: choose only one of the options (choose the easiest one you can find literature information about)
-Treatment strategies for esophageal cancer
– flu antivirals: current treatments and future drugs (with emphasis on future drugs)
– Monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of disease

Again, the paper should be a minireview

The structure of the minireview should have: an abstract, introduction, several content sections and a conclusion/future directions section.
– Check the attached document (minireview sample) for an example of a minireview paper

Follow the journal of biological chemistry for general structure of abstract:
– Should succinctly and clearly describe the major findings reported in the manuscript.
– Avoid specialized terms and use only approved acronyms. All others must be spelled out on the first reference.
– Must not exceed 250 words.

Introduction contains:
– Background info about the topic (potential causes, symptoms, treatment availability options, stats, demographic prevalence of the disease).
– It Presents the purpose of the study and its relationship to earlier work in the field.
– Should not be an extensive review of the literature (leave this for the content sections).
– Can also state that (this topic has many options to discuss, but this paper will focus on X, Y , Z)

For the content sections:
– Can use headlines (like in the minireview sample document)
– For a topic, can discuss: alternative treatment of X disease (if topic was disease), chance of X, current treatment/implications of X, prognosis of X…

Ensure that you are communicating in a clear and thoughtful manner.

The minireview should be 2500-3000 words and you should assume that your audience has an undergraduate degree in biomedical science

Pictures are encouraged, but cannot use pictures from papers (that is plagiarism).
– Only use pictures if was able to create them by yourself.

The marker emphasis of the clarity of the text, so make the paper’s information flows well and everything is defined, explained, and ideas are connected together. BE CREATIVE please

Citations: must cite at least 20 papers.
– Reference style must follow the Journal of Biological Chemistry (not APA or MLA). Son of citation machine (website) has this Journal of Biological Chemistry reference style.
– You may cite another review only if it is to describe background knowledge. All other citations must be the primary articles especially when stating results and conclusions. For example, if you want to describe what esophageal cancer is, you can cite a review that goes into detail. However, if you mention that it affects x number of people, find the primary reference. If you want to discuss current treatments, find the clinical trial on which the treatments are based
As mentioned in the journal of biological chemistry (instruction for authors), the references should:
– Cited in text by number only.
– References should include article titles.
– Numbered consecutively in the order of appearance.
– Example:
MacDonald, G. M., Steenhuis, J. J., and Barry, B. A. (1995) A difference Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study of chlorophyll oxidation in hydroxylamine-treated photosystem II. J. Biol. Chem.270, 8420–8428

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