Write a 6-page academic research paper on transgenic biotechnology. Paper should explore the arguments surrounding an ethical issue of your choosing. Overall your paper should:
• Identify the ethical issue (background, principal issues)
• Take a position and provide support for the position
• Discussexisting and future solutions for addressing negative consequences
Your audience is an informed academic audience. Your paper is expected to show an understanding of existing research and major issues on your topic and to contribute to the body of knowledge inan original way.
Structure of Paper
• Abstract
• Introduction:Introduces the topic and identifies a specific problem or a gap in the knowledgeabout the topic (the research question), then introduces the way you will address orsolve this problem in your paper. (You should briefly present your position on the issue)
• Current situation: Summarizes important research, central positions on the topic, or current eventsrelevant to the topic about the ethical problem. This summary should demonstrate the ethicalproblem and its significance. For an academic paper this is the literaturereview.
o Social Concern of transgenic biotechnology
o Intrinsic Concern
o Extrinsic Concern
• Discussion/analysis: Presents your case or argument, based on the supporting materials and data you reference.
Conclusion: Reiterates your main point, and may suggest future directions. You can also elaborate on the implications of your findings.
8 scholarly references at least.
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