Why was Ferdinand de Saussure’s semiotics such a radical theory of language? Give an example that proves Saussure’s theory that language is conventional, not natural.
2 pages
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Ferdinand De Saussure
Catalyst for what we call structuralism
Structural Linguistics
Linguistics: the scientific study of language ….
Language is as ever changing and not static (He sees it as a living thing)
Semiology- the science of signs
Langue (language)
Language as a structured system operating at a particular time and place
Parole (speech)
Without langue, parole would be impossible
He took a Synchronic approach to language rather than diachronic
Through time
Study of language over time
At the same time
Study of spoken language as it is used at a particular moment in time
Words are not units of self contained meaning
Words are not natural, but conventional
Saussure rejects the idea of naturalism
2 pages
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Saussure’s text attached
Online resources
Ferdinand De Saussure
Catalyst for what we call structuralism
Structural Linguistics
Linguistics: the scientific study of language ….
Language is as ever changing and not static (He sees it as a living thing)
Semiology- the science of signs
Langue (language)
Language as a structured system operating at a particular time and place
Parole (speech)
Without langue, parole would be impossible
He took a Synchronic approach to language rather than diachronic
Through time
Study of language over time
At the same time
Study of spoken language as it is used at a particular moment in time
Words are not units of self contained meaning
Words are not natural, but conventional

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