Rise Above has hired you as an IT consultant for implementing their Windows network infrastructure. Rise Above is a vitamin supplement company, and they are currently hiring staff, establishing two locations, and have a need to get their internal IT services configured. They do not yet have an IT staff, but when they do, the IT staff will take over all aspects of IT administration. You are required to supply Rise Above with a solution which describes the implementation and configuration of their core IT services. Cost is not a significant concern â Rise Above wishes to implement the ‘right’ solution to fit their needs now and for the next 2-3 years.
There are several details about Rise Above which will have an impact on your choices:
– Rise Above will start with 50 employees, in the following departments:
o Executives (5 employees) manage and run the company
o Accounts and Sales Department (10 employees) â perform market research and maintain accounts
o Creative, Media and Production Department (21 employees) â advertising
o Human Resources and Finances (2 employees) â perform HR and financial duties
o IT (6 employees) manage IT for the company
o Rise Above will have two sites, one in Hopeulikit, GA and one in Pitsfield, MA. Most staff will be located in Hopeulikit, GA, with at least 1 person from each of the departments above located in Pitsfield, MA.
– Networking equipment is already in place for both sites. A secure tunnel (using IPSec) will be established between the two sites so that inter-site traffic will be securely tunneled over the Internet. You may make whatever other assumptions you wish about intra-and inter-site connectivity.
– Security mechanisms (e.g., firewalls, intrusion detection) will be handled separately, and there is no need to describe them.
– Some departments will want their data to remain private from other departments (e.g., Finances personnel will not want Production staff to see the companyâs financial details).

Sample Solution
temperaments, situations, social statuses, or all three (It Happened One Night), who would not meet or talk under normal circumstances, and the meet cuteâs contrived situation provides the opportunity for these two people to meet. âmeet cuteâ was used mostly in screwballs during the Great Depression in the 1930s where they made heavy use of contrived romantic âmeet cutesâ, because of the class divisions of this period made cross-social class romances into a more of a fantasy. ellie as a character is interestingly three dimensional for the time, with Windows Server Deployment Proposal flaws such as her spoiled brattiness but great strength in her wit and determination to overcome repression. The key differences between her and peter are a typical trope of romantic comedies, with the characters overcoming their differences and understanding each other to overcome the obstacles to reconcile and fall in love in the end. Despite being a film of itâs time where womenâs independence and political freedom were limited and there was only a beginning of true independence for females it is a stand out for its time that such a strong and independent female character was written and also received so popularly received by audiences of the time. Ellie is a character who though she relies on men for her economic status and somewhat for her happiness also lives on her own terms and uses her sexuality and fe Windows Server Deployment Proposal mininity as a choice rather than being forced or used by the male characters in the film. For example in the hitchhiking scene she holds the power with the cab driver and displays this by showing her skin, shown in a close up and grabs the attention of the driver. This conscious use of the male gaze as a tool to reach her goals through her own choice is a clear show of power from a female character. Despite examples such as these overall the film fits much within those of the 1930s being a comedy of manners; men in a position of power and womenâs reliance upon them. By todays standards this is no longer widely accepted throughout society and can be reflected in modern films of the genre which attempt to consciously defy these stereotypes. It happened one nightâ is a great example of films mirroring the culture of their time and many themes in current romantic comedies are still influenced by films such as this. Although the film attempts to portray the female lead positively in many ways there as still many issues to be found¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ Thirty years later, the romantic comedy had developed to the battle of the sexes or known as âsex comediesâ that pitted men and women against each other and highlighted their differences. Due to more acceptable sexual promiscuity in the 60âs, post war climate and the advances of the film industr Windows Server Deployment Proposal y bringing huge popularity of the genre back. in came the lighter, funnier romantic comedies of the sixties. There was no better time to explore this, then during the sixties, as womenâs roles continued to evolve and grow. The 1960âs was a important time as romantic comedies took a more explicit, sexual approach to how it displayed affection to characters which looked at monogamy and the womenâs sexual roles which were increasingly more common but explicit sexuality in romantic comedies has always been seen as somewhat negative because of the effects of censorship and the issues linked with feminist movement and the film industries sexual revolution.The new reality of romantic relationships was faithfully por>
temperaments, situations, social statuses, or all three (It Happened One Night), who would not meet or talk under normal circumstances, and the meet cuteâs contrived situation provides the opportunity for these two people to meet. âmeet cuteâ was used mostly in screwballs during the Great Depression in the 1930s where they made heavy use of contrived romantic âmeet cutesâ, because of the class divisions of this period made cross-social class romances into a more of a fantasy. ellie as a character is interestingly three dimensional for the time, with flaws such as her spoiled brattiness but great strength in her wit and determination to overcome repression. The key differences between Windows Server Deployment Proposal her and peter are a typical trope of romantic comedies, with the characters overcoming their differences and understanding each other to overcome the obstacles to reconcile and fall in love in the end. Despite being a film of itâs time where womenâs independence and political freedom were limited and there was only a beginning of true independence for females it is a stand out for its time that such a strong and independent female character was written and also received so popularly received by audiences of the time. Ellie is a character who though she relies on men for her economic status and somewhat for her happiness also lives on her own terms and uses her sexuality and femininity as a choice rather than being forced or used by the male characters in the film. For example in the hitchhiking scene she holds the power with the cab driver and displays this by showing her skin, shown in a close up and grabs the attention of the driver. This conscious use of the male gaze as a tool to reach her goals through her own choice is a clear show of power from a female character. Despite examples such as these overall the film fits much within those of the 1930s being a comedy of manners; men in a position of power and womenâs reliance upon them. By todays stan Windows Server Deployment Proposal dards this is no longer widely accepted throughout society and can be reflected in modern films of the genre which attempt to consciously defy these stereotypes. It happened one nightâ is a great example of films mirroring the culture of their time and many themes in current romantic comedies are still influenced by films such as this. Although the film attempts to portray the female lead positively in many ways there as still many issues to be found¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ Thirty years later, the romantic comedy had developed to the battle of the sexes or known as âsex comediesâ that pitted men and women against each other and highlighted their differences. Due to more acceptable sexual promiscuity in the 60âs, post war climate and the advances of the film industry bringing huge popularity of the genre back. in came the lighter, funnier romantic comedies of the sixties. There was no better time to explore this, then during the sixties, as womenâs roles continued to evolve and grow. The 1960âs was a important time as romantic comedies took a Windows Server Deployment Proposal more explicit, sexual approach to how it displayed affection to characters which looked at monogamy and the womenâs sexual roles which were increasingly more common but explicit sexuality in romantic comedies has always been seen as somewhat negative because of the effects of censorship and the issues linked with feminist movement and the film industries sexual revolution.The new reality of romantic relationships was faithfully por>