choose ONE of the following TED Talks to respond to.
TED. (2017, July). Why museums are returning cultural treasures / Chip Colwell [Video].
TED. (2022, April). You Don’t Actually Know What Your Future Self Wants / Shankar Vedantam [Video].
TED. (2021, December). A “Seat at the Table” Isn’t the Solution for Gender Equity / Lilly Singh [Video].
For each number below, complete a thoughtful and thorough paragraph long enough to demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter of the class.
The Argument and Syllogism: Complete a thoughtful and thorough paragraph long enough to demonstrate your understanding of the course concepts indicated.
Summarize the overall argument of the video in your own words. Be sure to include details and the main points the speaker used to make the argument.
Identify the three parts of the syllogism the speaker uses to make the overall argument:
Major Premise
Minor Premise
Testing the Syllogism: Complete a thoughtful and thorough paragraph long enough to demonstrate your understanding of the course concepts indicated.
Based upon the syllogism (your answer to Part 1. B), does this argument demonstrate inductive or deductive reasoning? Provide support for your choice. Be sure to only choose deductive OR inductive; you cannot choose both or neither.
If the argument is deductive, test your syllogism (your answers to Part 1. B) in terms of logical validity and soundness. Be sure to not only tell if the syllogism is valid and sound but also show how/how not or why/why not. If the argument is inductive, test your syllogism (your answers from Part 1. B) in terms of being a stronger or weaker inductive argument. Be sure to not only tell if the syllogism is stronger or weaker but also show how or why.

Sample Answer
TED Talk: A “Seat at the Table” Isn’t the Solution for Gender Equity
1. Argument and Syllogism
Argument: Lilly Singh argues that while increased representation of women in leadership positions is a step in the right direction, it’s not enough to achieve true gender equity. She contends that systemic issues, such as unconscious bias and societal norms, continue to hinder women’s advancement.
- Major Premise: Women are underrepresented in leadership positions.
- Minor Premise: Increasing the number of women in leadership positions is not sufficient to address systemic gender inequality.
- Conclusion: To achieve true gender equity, we need to challenge and dismantle systemic biases and create a more inclusive workplace culture.
2. Testing the Syllogism: Deductive Reasoning
The argument is primarily deductive. It follows a deductive reasoning structure, where the conclusion logically follows from the premises. The premises are assumed to be true, and if they are, the conclusion must also be true.
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