Address the following three prompts:
Ways of Studying Religion
Review the ways/methods of studying religion, theology, history, psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, gender studies, and biology. Which method or methods seems the most important to studying world religions and why? Are there any that seem unimportant to you? Why or why not?
Reading Scripture
Describe how one reads scripture as an “outsider” and as an “insider,” and discuss what you think are some of the benefits and challenges of both perspectives.
Challenges to Reading Scripture
What do you consider to be some of the most significant challenges to properly reading scripture? How do you think the tips found in the âSuggestions on How to Read Scripturesâ section help to mitigate these difficulties?
Sample Solution
The explanation of the origin of the universe has attracted a couple of theories. The theoretical expressions portrayed by both the books of Genesis and Hesiodâs Theogony are not an exeption. Hebrew at their time, together with many Christians today, have based their faith on the creation of the universe as recorded in the book of Genesis (White 25). Greeks, but, have their firm belief in Hesiodâs Theogony. The two theories have sharply divergent opinions based on their beliefs. Even with the stark difference between the two beliefs, there are a couple of relationships between them. The correlations range from the origin of life, the cultural views God, the existence of heaven and earth, supreme beings, the worth of people, the nature of the universe as well as its future. Thus, understanding the relationship between the two beliefs is essential. The Book of Genesis and Hesiodâs Theogony have vast connections. There is a belief in heaven and earth in both beliefs, and there are beliefs in a supreme being, marriage as well as the role of gender are significantly explained. The subjects also believe that there is punishment for sin and a possibility of deception. The relationship between the two beliefs can be best understood when they are analyzed one after another. The books of Genesis and Hesiodâs Theogony have a deep connection in their explanation of the creation theory. The two books are detailed on the concept of the origin of the universe. The two creations stories as well as explain how all that is within the world came into existence. In the Theogony story of creation, it is recorded that in the beginning there was Chaos which existed without form or purpose. The theory also elucidates that the earth, which is known as Gaia, was first to exist and from it, all the other creations existed. The theory asserts that it is from Gaia that heavens existed. From the theory, Gaia and Uranus became husband and wife giving birth to a couple of children starting with mighty Titans, then Cyclopsâs and later hideous Hecatonchires (Brown 33). Similarly, Genesis story of creation, but talks of an existence of a supernatural God who created the heavens and the earth (Scult, Michael & Kenneth 124). The Genesis Theory explains that God created everything by word of mouth. After the creation of the earth, God commanded everything else to come from the ground including human beings. The connection between the two theories is strong based on the fact that all the created things came from the earth. In as much as the form of explanation in the theories is divergent, the concept is based on a similar explanation. The two stories provide an account of creation though in different forms but speaking about the same thing which is the creatio>
The explanation of the origin of the universe has attracted a couple of theories. The theoretical expressions portrayed by both the books of Genesis and Hesiodâs Theogony are not an exeption. Hebrew at their time, together with many Christians today, have based their faith on the creation of the universe as recorded in the book of Genesis (White 25). Greeks, but, have their firm belief in Hesiodâs Theogony. The two theories have sharply divergent opinions based on their beliefs. Even with the stark difference between the two beliefs, there are a couple of relationships between them. The correlations range from the origin of life, the cultural views God, the existence of heaven and earth, supreme beings, the worth of people, the nature of the universe as well as its future. Thus, understanding the relationship between the two beliefs is essential. The Book of Genesis and Hesiodâs Theogony have vast connections. There is a belief in heaven and earth in both beliefs, and there are beliefs in a supreme being, marriage as well as the role of gender are significantly explained. The subjects also believe that there is punishment for sin and a possibility of deception. The relationship between the two beliefs can be best understood when they are analyzed one after another. The books of Genesis and Hesiodâs Theogony have a deep connection in their explanation of the creation theory. The two books are detailed on the concept of the origin of the universe. The two creations stories as well as explain how all that is within the world came into existence. In the Theogony story of creation, it is recorded that in the beginning there was Chaos which existed without form or purpose. The theory also elucidates that the earth, which is known as Gaia, was first to exist and from it, all the other creations existed. The theory asserts that it is from Gaia that heavens existed. From the theory, Gaia and Uranus became husband and wife giving birth to a couple of children starting with mighty Titans, then Cyclopsâs and later hideous Hecatonchires (Brown 33). Similarly, Genesis story of creation, but talks of an existence of a supernatural God who created the heavens and the earth (Scult, Michael & Kenneth 124). The Genesis Theory explains that God created everything by word of mouth. After the creation of the earth, God commanded everything else to come from the ground including human beings. The connection between the two theories is strong based on the fact that all the created things came from the earth. In as much as the form of explanation in the theories is divergent, the concept is based on a similar explanation. The two stories provide an account of creation though in different forms but speaking about the same thing which is the creatio>