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Scope Statement: [Your Proposed Project Name Here]

(Note: the text in RED is designed to help you write your Scope Statement. Please remove all red text before submitting your assignment.)

1. Executive Summary Have you noticed how useful it is to have an Executive Summary of your project already

written? A well-written Executive Summary is one that can be used in multiple documents as needed. As with other Executive Summaries, this summary should briefly describe the background and purpose of the project, and its acceptable to reuse summary text from other deliverables.

 Because the Scope Statement is different from other scope documents in that it is a living document (it can be changed as project scope changes), its helpful to identify the projects overall expected cost and delivery timeframe, to quickly provide readers a sense of the projects scale.

2. Business Requirements In this section, identify the business requirements this project was undertaken to

satisfy. It is acceptable to restate the business requirements you identified in your Business Case (in fact, if your business requirements have changed, then the purpose of the project has changed, which isnt a good sign. Business requirements should remain fixed once a project has been approved for initiation.)

3. Solution Requirements, Prioritization, and Verification This section will contain a prioritized list of the project, technical, and any regulatory

requirements associated with your project. Begin this section by briefly summarizing the requirement collection process used for your case study project, to give the requirements themselves some context. For example, you may want to briefly identify the collection tools used, some of the key stakeholders involved, and how requirement priorities were determined.

 Next, list the requirements for your case study (identify, at a minimum, 15 requirements.) For each requirement, include:

.1 The requirement sentence itself

.2 The type of requirement: project, technical, or regulatory

.3 Whether the requirement is a “must have”, “should have”, or “nice to have” requirement

.4 How you will determine the requirement has been fulfilled (what verification methods will be used)

PMG501 Scope Project

ManagementScope Statement Outline Template

 You may find using a table (or simple columns) useful for organizing your requirements list, but you are not required to do so.

4. Exclusions In this section, identify at least two items that are NOT included as part of this project.

5. Key Project Features

5.1 Project Constraints In this section, identify any conditions that limit project planning, such as the

availability of certain important personnel or pieces of equipment; the amount of money available for the project; contractual limits; and/or predefined timelines.

5.2 Important Milestones In this section, identify any important delivery dates or interim delivery dates the

project plan must include. For example, identify any required project reviews, inspections, testing milestones, or fiscal reporting dates (you are not limited to these examples.)

6. Project Assumptions and Risks (this section is not required for this assignment) Most scope statements include a section that identifies any assumptions and risks

associated with the project thus far. Since you already identified risks for your case study project in your business case assignment in course week 1, you are not required to generate a new list of risks for this scope statement assignment. This section has been included with this scope statement simply to show you it is normally a part of the scope statement, to give you a complete scope statement template for potential use outside this class.

7. Approvals This final section provides space for actual signatures, to formally indicate approval of

the requirements, priorities, acceptance criteria, and exclusions identified. Formal approval of the scope statement allows the project team to use this document to begin detailed project planning, so its important this document indicates agreement from any stakeholder responsible for overseeing any part of this project.

 In this section, create an area for key stakeholders to sign this document. For your case study, who do you believe should sign this document? Be sure to also identify the signatorys name, role, and the date the document was signed.

Scope Statement: [Your Proposed Project Name Here]

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