What was your understanding of health, health disparities, and social justice prior to taking the course?
How has this understanding changed now that we are finished with the course?
Is there anything else that you would like to share?

Sample Answer
A Reflection on Health, Disparities, and Social Justice
Initial Understanding:
Before taking this course, my understanding of health was primarily focused on individual factors, such as genetics and lifestyle choices. I recognized that disparities existed in healthcare access and outcomes, but I didn’t fully appreciate the complex interplay of social, economic, and environmental factors that contribute to these disparities.
Evolved Understanding:
This course has significantly expanded my understanding of health, health disparities, and social justice. I now recognize that health is not solely determined by individual behaviors, but is also shaped by broader societal factors.
Key insights gained include:
- Social Determinants of Health: I understand how factors like socioeconomic status, education, and access to healthcare can profoundly impact health outcomes.
- Health Disparities: I have a deeper understanding of the systemic factors that contribute to health disparities, such as racism, discrimination, and poverty.
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