Understanding descriptive statistics, their measures of center and their variability, helps form the foundation of
statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics tell us how frequently an observation occurs, what is considered
average, and how far data in our sample deviate from being average. With these statistics, we are able to
provide a summary of characteristics from both large and small datasets. Measures of central tendency and
variability provide valuable information on their own, and form the cornerstone of the quantitative structures
that we build in our research studies.
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
examine central tendency and variability in terms of pulse rate.
Find and record the pulse rate of 10 different people where you work. Tell us a little about the population from
which you drew your data. Describe your findings in terms of central tendency and variability.
Consider using some of the following to help you form your initial discussion post:
What are your measures of central tendency (i.e., mean, median, and mode)? Which might be the better
measure for central tendency and why?
What is the standard deviation of your data? How variable are the data (range)?
Are there any outliers? Investigate possible reasons for these outliers, and things that might limit them if further
study were to be carried out.
What are some variables that should be considered in discussing your measures of central tendency and
variation? Is there any skewness in your measured data?
How would you describe this data (i.e. what insights did you gain from this data)?
Sample Solution
have their rights by nature. John Locke and Jean Domat both have their own opinions on how a government should be run. Jean Domat is a person who favors the idea of absolutism. He believes that people are given a certain rank in society, in other words, a type of predestiny. It was believed God assigned these ranks and picked a sovereign to rule over the people with divinity. The creator had given individual different status and roles in society to help one another. Within natural equality, each person has a different purpose in life which makes their status unequal; thus, a government is necessary to make everything fall into place. The first difference between people is seen within a relationship between a parent and child. It leads to sort of a government within a family where a child is indebted to the parents who are the leaders. Another difference among people is their type of employment. Both high and low-wage workers are important in society because they depend on each other. God gives a sovereign the power to govern the people so he can represent the will of their Creator. Domat mentions in his essay, Since government is necessary for the public good, and God Himself has established it. A sovereign who was selected by God should be compliant and society should obey the government. An person should also respect the sovereign the same way he/she does for God. If a sovereign doesnât follow the rules himself, then his government will have its down fall. A person who rules the government should know the purpose of Gods will and incorporate the divine power given to him. John Locke is a self-taught philosopher and believes in a government that all men need their natural rights preserved. Locke first talks about how men are born equal to one another and have perfect liberty to maintain and order their lives and property. They are governed by reason and seek the preservation of mankind. When man digresses from the laws of nature and uses force against o>
have their rights by nature. John Locke and Jean Domat both have their own opinions on how a government should be run. Jean Domat is a person who favors the idea of absolutism. He believes that people are given a certain rank in society, in other words, a type of predestiny. It was believed God assigned these ranks and picked a sovereign to rule over the people with divinity. The creator had given individual different status and roles in society to help one another. Within natural equality, each person has a different purpose in life which makes their status unequal; thus, a government is necessary to make everything fall into place. The first difference between people is seen within a relationship between a parent and child. It leads to sort of a government within a family where a child is indebted to the parents who are the leaders. Another difference among people is their type of employment. Both high and low-wage workers are important in society because they depend on each other. God gives a sovereign the power to govern the people so he can represent the will of their Creator. Domat mentions in his essay, Since government is necessary for the public good, and God Himself has established it. A sovereign who was selected by God should be compliant and society should obey the government. An person should also respect the sovereign the same way he/she does for God. If a sovereign doesnât follow the rules himself, then his government will have its down fall. A person who rules the government should know the purpose of Gods will and incorporate the divine power given to him. John Locke is a self-taught philosopher and believes in a government that all men need their natural rights preserved. Locke first talks about how men are born equal to one another and have perfect liberty to maintain and order their lives and property. They are governed by reason and seek the preservation of mankind. When man digresses from the laws of nature and uses force against o>