Write an essay on who is the villain of A Doll’s House. Consider the definition of a villain. Make connections between the other texts and consider the theme in terms of gender class.

Sample Answer
The villain of A Doll’s House is a matter of some debate. Some critics argue that Torvald Helmer, Nora’s husband, is the villain because he is a controlling and patriarchal man who treats Nora as a doll. Others argue that Nora herself is the villain because she is deceitful and manipulative. Still others argue that there is no villain in the play, and that it is simply a tragedy about the limitations of gender roles in 19th century society.
In terms of the definition of a villain, Torvald Helmer fits the bill quite well. He is a powerful and privileged man who uses his position to control and manipulate those around him. He is also a hypocrite, as he preaches about morality and family values while engaging in extramarital affairs himself.
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