Write a paper on what were the principle factors contributing to a rise of indifference toward religion during the Victorian era at the end of the nineteenth century. Why do you think that religion declined during this period of time? What were the major factors?

Sample Answer
The Victorian era was a time of great social, economic, and scientific change. These changes led to a rise of indifference toward religion during the end of the nineteenth century.
One of the major factors contributing to the decline of religion was the rise of science. During the Victorian era, there were many new scientific discoveries, such as the theory of evolution. These discoveries challenged traditional religious beliefs, such as the belief that God created the world in six days.
Another major factor contributing to the decline of religion was the rise of industrialization. Industrialization led to the growth of cities and the decline of rural communities. In rural communities, religion was often the center of social life. However, in cities, people were more likely to be exposed to different religions and cultures. This made them less likely to be religious themselves.
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