Explain the sociological approaches to technology.
Assess the many digital divides present in the United States.
Appraise the impact of technological advancements on health, healthcare, and medicine.
Justify the retraining of workers through traditional and distance learning.
Evaluate the impact of technology on jobs and economic prosperity.
Debate the positive and negative influence of the internet on society.
Describe the evolution the energy sector has experienced in modern history.
Summarize how technology has affected natural and artificial disaster responses.
Identify technological advancementsâ impact on society.
Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.
For each of the learning objectives, provide a brief analysis of how the course supported each objective.
Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to your professional aspirations.

Sample Answer
Sociological Approaches to Technology
There are three main sociological approaches to technology: technological determinism, social constructivism, and structuration theory.
- Technological determinism is the view that technology is the driving force of social change. This approach argues that technology shapes society, rather than society shaping technology. For example, technological determinists might argue that the invention of the car led to the development of suburbs, or that the invention of the internet led to the rise of social media.
- Social constructivism is the view that technology is shaped by society, rather than the other way around. This approach argues that people create technology to meet their own needs and desires. For example, social constructivists might argue that the design of the car was influenced by the values of the time, such as the desire for speed and freedom.
- Structuration theory is a middle ground between technological determinism and social constructivism. This approach argues that technology and society are mutually constitutive, meaning that they shape each other. For example, structuration theorists might argue that the internet has both enabled and constrained social interaction.
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