What would you do with the power of invisibility? Would you spy on your favorite celebrity, pull pranks, or sneak into movies? Would you rob banks, harm your enemies, or commit murder? Where would it end? In this discussion, you will explore ideas of ethical self-governance and the responsibility of leaders. These are considerations you can apply in your future career should you ever find yourself in a position with unchecked power.
What would you do if you had the ring?
What do you think most people would do with the ring?
What criteria would you use to determine ethical and unethical uses for the ring? How would you control your own behavior with the knowledge that you canât get caught and there would be no lawful consequences?
It could be said that leaders today have the power of the ring to hide information from the public. Is this a good or bad thing? Why?

Sample Answer
What would you do if you had the ring?
If I had the ring, I would use it to help people. I would use it to spy on corrupt leaders and expose their crimes. I would use it to help people in need, such as by providing food and shelter to the homeless. I would use it to prevent crime and violence.
What do you think most people would do with the ring?
I think most people would use the ring for selfish purposes. They would use it to spy on their enemies, steal from others, or commit crimes. They would use it to get ahead in life, regardless of the cost to others.
What criteria would you use to determine ethical and unethical uses for the ring? How would you control your own behavior with the knowledge that you canât get caught and there would be no lawful consequences?
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