We can work on The Past and Future of Marine Science

Considering ethical questions is part of a marine scientist’s job. Part of being ethical is doing your homework and exploring all sides of an issue. Choose a current ethical issue in marine science, such as the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), conditions in fish farms, or another topic your instructor approves. Find two perspectives supporting one side of the ethical issue and two supporting the other. Be sure to use reliable sources, such as university web sites or newspaper/magazine articles. Create an outline with at least five points for each side. Then write a brief paragraph explaining what you believe an ethical choice around this issue is. Remember, ethical problems are difficult because both sides have valid points. Be sure to consider and discuss at least one point you think is valid from the side that you disagree with in your conclusion as you explain why your choice is the ethical one. Also, include a list of sources that you used. Two is the minimum for each point of view.

Sample Solution

hered throughout the process. When looking at steps one and two of his model, it should give the individual a more realistic and rationalized path in choosing a career. Parson believed that when an individual is working in a career that is best suited for them, they will be able to reach their highest potential and be able to perform to the best of their abilities. A career counselor is an extremely helpful and practical tool to provide guidance throughout this process. Not only can the counselor provide support and encouragement for the individual, they can also help in gathering the right information needed for the first and second steps. Parson’s three-step model has impacted vocational/career counseling well into the 21st century. School counselors are usually required to provide their students with vocational guidance as a part of their job description, especially with high school and college students. I believe that Parson’s three-step model is a functional tool to guide students even starting at a young age in elementary schools. Teachers and counselors are already teaching their students to use self-analyzing techniques every day in their classrooms. For example, students will take self-assessments after a main topic is finished to see what they have learned and what they are still struggling with. These assessments are useful throughout elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. It provides the students, from a young age, to begin understanding and learning about themselves, including both their strengths and their weaknesses. Counselors can learn a lot through Parson’s ideas and this three-step model because it also teaches the counselor how to be supportive and inspirational to their students which is important for their motivation to succeed.>

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