As the impact of trauma on clients becomes a greater focus, the profession is also considering the secondary trauma that social workers experience due to interacting with client trauma. Social workers need to understand boundaries and triggers and ensure sufficient self-care to balance needs (van Dernoot Lipsky & Burk, 2009). Otherwise, they will not be able to sufficiently care for their clients. Part of self-care can include the practice of self-compassion, where social workers provide themselves with the same empathetic attention they devote to their clients.
In this Discussion, you provide self-care strategies you may use during your social work education and as you progress through your social work career. You also consider the importance of self-care, especially as it relates to trauma work.
van Dernoot Lipsky, L., & Burk, C. (2009). Trauma stewardship: An everyday guide to caring for self while caring for others. Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler.

Sample Answer
Here are some self-care strategies that I may use during my social work education and as I progress through my social work career, especially as it relates to trauma work:
- Set boundaries. It is important to set clear boundaries between my personal and professional life. This means not checking work emails or messages outside of work hours, and taking breaks during the workday to avoid burnout.
- Identify and manage my triggers. Everyone has different triggers, so it is important to identify mine and develop strategies for managing them. This could include taking breaks, talking to a trusted friend or colleague, or practicing relaxation techniques.
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