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The impact of EU integration on Poland
The impact of EU integration on Poland
Research, describe and explain the impact of EU integration on Poland. Next, answer the questions listed below
For this assignment you will have to research, describe and explain the impact of EU integration on Poland.
Describe and discuss two major hurdles faced by your country of choice during the EU accession process. What was the nature of the hurdles (political, economic, social, human rights), and how did the candidate country overcome these two hurdles before being allowed into the EU? (30 points)
After your country of choice joined the EU, what were two policy areas that were significantly improved due to policy changes imposed by the EU, or thanks to EU funding? Describe these policies or policy areas and the positive outcomes owed to the European Union (40 points).
Describe and discuss one policy or policy area, that according to the European Union, has not improved, or still needs significant improvement in your country of choice, even after the country has become an EU member. Describe the EU’s reaction to poor performance in this policy area (Did the EU fine the member state for poor performance, or did the EU offer additional financial assistance to help improve the situation? If neither, what other measures did the EU take to help the member state rectify this shortcoming?) (30 points)
Sample Solution
Picking up the learning of what persuades representatives and how they were inspired was the focal point of numerous scientists following the production of the Hawthorne Study results (Terpstra, 1979). The writing survey on this examination means to find the present hypotheses and issues in relations to work inspiration all through the writing sources. It is critical to comprehend what inspi The impact of EU integration on Poland ration really is, and all the more uniquely the term ‘work inspiration’. The writing audit will see four noteworthy persuasive speculations. They are:- Maslow’s need-chain of importance hypothesis, Herzberg’s two-factor hypothesis, Adams’ value hypothesis and Vroom’s anticipation hypothesis. They are Maslow’s need-progressive system hypothesis, and Herzberg’s two-factor hypothesis are requirements based persuasive hypothesis, generally known as substance speculations. Thes The impact of EU integration on Poland e speculations clarify that human needs change with time. Individuals have certain necessities and wants to accomplish and those requirements and wants change over some undefined time frame. Adams’ value hypothesis and Vroom’s hope hypothesis are aggregately known as intellectual speculations. These speculations will look at the worker’s conduct as far as execution and contrast their presentation and prizes and others. As indicated by Maslow, worker’s needs have five levels (Maslow, 1943). It depends on the speculation that human needs are fit for being modest. Attractive accomplishment of the principal level of requirements prompts the following level. When a specific need has been fulfilled, that need will never again be a main impetus of inspiration. Herzberg’s viewed as inspiration into two components: helpers and cleanliness (Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman, 1959). As per this hypothesis individuals are affected by two components. These components are “Helpers and cleanliness”. Accomplishment, acknowledgment, the work itself, duty, headway and development were incorporated into the inspiration factors and disappointing variables to a great extent from non-work related factors, for example, organization approaches, compensation, associate relations and supervisory style The impact of EU integration on Poland s (Steers and Porter 2001). These hypotheses will comprehend the different elements which impact the representatives of the association. Adams value hypothesis centers around individuals’ responses to the reasonableness of result they get in relations to their view of the data sources they give, particularly when contrasted with the apparent results/inputs that others get. (Watchman et al., 2001). As per Adams hypothesis value is accomplished when the proportion of worker r The impact of EU integration on Poland esults over sources of info is equivalent to other representative results over information sources (Adams, 1965). This hypothesis will give all the more understanding towards inspirational contrast among changeless and transitory staff of the association. Vroom’s hypothesis underpins that representative exertion will prom The impact of EU integration on Poland pt execution and execution will prompt prizes (Vroom, 1964). The prizes can be either positive or negative, however the more positive reward will lead the representative to work progressively inspired and on the other hand, the more negative the reward the more uncertain the worker will be roused. In M&S cash call focus (M&S), perpetual and brief staffs are playing out similar obligations, expected to meet a similar target and prepared to scent the obligations similarly, rephrase framework is diverse as far as reward, annuity, organization rebate card and other non financial prizes. By mulling over this and applying the chose four hypotheses in this condition. The two gatherings representatives must demonstrate a distinction in inspiration in accordance with Adams value hypothesis and furthermore will be on various stages in relations to Maslow’s need-chain of importance hypothesis. The exploration will likewise clarify what they expect as a perpetual/impermanent worker working for M&S in accordance with Vroom’s hope hypothesis. Two factor hypothesis will clarify how much impact every inspiration factor have on every one of the workers. 3.3.1. References: Adair, J. (1990) Understanding Motivation. London: The Talbot Adair Press. Adams, J. S. (1965) Inequity in social trade. In L. Berkowitz. Advances in exploratory social brain science. New York: Academic Press. Arkin, A. (1997) People Management, Call Center Stress, Vol 3 Issues 6, 22-27 Arnold, J., Cooper, C., Robertson, I.T. (1998) Work Psychology, Understanding human conduct in the working environment, third release. Essex: Pearson Education Limited Collis, J. and H The impact of EU integration on Poland ussey, R (1997) Business look into: a functional guide for undergrad and postgraduate understudies, second release. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Fisher, C. (2004) Researching and composing an exposition: A manual for business understudies, second version. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Fletcher, C. (1993) Appraisal: Routes to improved execution, second release. London: IPD House. Gillham, B. (2000) Developing a survey: Real world research, second release. New York: Contimuum International Publishing gathering Hertzberg, F. (1968) One More Time: How would you thought process representatives? Harvard Business survey, 53-62 Hertzberg, F., Manunser, B. furthermore, Synderman B (1959), The Motivation in Work. New York: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., and Snyderman, B, B. (1959) The inspiration to work. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Holman, D.J. (2002) Human Resource Management Journal, Employees prosperity in call focuses, Vol 7 Jones, F., Burke, R. J., and Westman, M. (2006) Work-Life ba The impact of EU integration on Poland lance: mental viewpoint. Sussex: Psychology press. Katzell, Yankelovich (1975) Compensation Benefits Review, Pay versus Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction, Vol 8, 54-66 Kruger, D.J. (2003) The Community Psychologist, Integrating quantitative and subjective strategies in network investigate, Vol 36, 18-19 Lindner, J, R. (1998) Understanding Employee Motivation. Vol 36, issue 3, June. Luthans, F. (1998) Organizational Behavior eighth version. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill Marshall, C,. Rossman, G. (1999) Designing Qualitative Research third version. London: Sage Publication Ltd Maslow, A.H. (1954) Motivation and Personality. Harper and Row Publishers, New York: New York Miguel, A,. Quinones and Ehrenstein, A. (1996) Training for a quickly evolving working enviro The impact of EU integration on Poland nment: use of mental research. Washington: American brain research affiliation. Mullins, L. J. (2002) Management and Organizational Behavior, sixth Edition. London: Prentice Hall. Myers, M.D. (2002) Qualitative Research in Business and Management. London: Sage Publications. Doorman, L. W., Bigley, G.A., and Steers R, M. (1975) Motivation and work conduct. New York: Irwin McGraw-Hill Doorman, L.W., Lawler, E.E. (1968) Managerial dispositions and execution. Homewood II: Irwin Rose, E. (2002) The Journal of Industrial Relations, The work procedure and association responsibilities inside a financial administrations call focus, Vol 44, Issue 1, 40-61 Rose, Ed. (2001 Employment relations, second version. Essex: Pearson Education Limited Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2007) Research strategies for business understudies, third release, Essex: Pearson Education Limited Smith, K. Toddd, M. Waldman, J (2009) Doing your undergrad sociology thesis. Oxon: Routledge Terpstra, D. E. (1979) Theories of inspiration: obtaining the best. Work force Journal, 58. 376. Vroom, V. (1992) Management inspiration. second version. London: penguin books ltd Vroom, V. H. (1964) Work and inspiration. New York: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. 5. Framework Methodology: After the writing survey and foundation investigation of the call focus condition, a positivist methodology has been adjusted to the examination. Despite the fact that, inspiration is considered as an abstract factor, the foundation investigation of the call focus condition is contrasted and tended to comparable with battery-cultivating condition (Arkin 1997) with normal for tailorism. The most significant purpose behind choosing positivist methodology is, that this examination is trying the four speculations of inspiration referenced in writing survey in call focus in perpetual and brief representatives, which falls in accordance with Myers, M.D (2002) contention that positivist by and large endeavor to test hypothesis. The examination technique used to gather essential information is a semi organized survey with The impact of EU integration on Poland open and shut inquiries. Auxiliary information will be accumulated from association through human asset office on enlistment measurements and furthermore from study results recently led by the association. The poll incorporates open and shut inquiries, both straight out and quantifiable. Every one of the inquiries are measurably examined by utilizing codes and exceed expectations spreadsheet The impact of EU integration on Poland and will be satisfactory through bar graphs/pie outlines. The positivist methodology of testing hypothesis and utilizing quantifiable information gathering techniques falls into the deductive methodology which falls in accordance with positivism (Saunders et al. 2007)>
Picking up the learning of what persuades representatives and how they were inspired was the focal point of numerous scientists following the production of the Hawthorne Study results (Terpstra, 1979). The writing survey on this examination means to find the present hypotheses and issues in relations to work inspiration The impact of EU integration on Poland all through the writing sources. It is critical to comprehend what inspiration really is, and all the more uniquely the term ‘work inspiration’. The writing audit will see four noteworthy persuasive speculations. They are:- Maslow’s need-chain of importance hypot The impact of EU integration on Poland hesis, Herzberg’s two-factor hypothesis, Adams’ value hypothesis and Vroom’s anticipation hypothesis. They are Maslow’s need-progressive system hypothesis, and Herzberg’s two-factor hypothesis are requirements based persuasive hypothesis, generally known as substance speculations. These speculations clarify that human needs change with time. Individuals have certain necessities and wants to accomplish and those requirements and wants change over some undefined time frame. Adams’ value hypothesis and Vroom’s hope hypothesis are aggregately known as intellectual speculations. These speculations will look at the worker’s conduct as far as execution and contrast their presentation and prizes and others. As indicated by Maslow, worker’s needs have five levels (Maslow, 1943). It depends on the speculation that human needs are fit for being modest. Attractive accomplishment of the principal level of requirements prompts the following level. When a specific need has been fulfilled, that need will never again be a main impetus of inspiration. Herzberg’s viewed as inspiration into two components: helpers and cleanliness (Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman, 1959). As per this hypothesis individuals are affected by two components. These components are “Helpers and cleanliness”. Accomplishment, acknowledgment, the work itself, duty, headway and development were incorporated into the inspiration factors and disappointing variables to a great extent from non-work related factors, for example, organization approaches, compensation, associate relations and supervisory styles (Steers and Porter 2001). These hypotheses will comprehend the different elements which impact the representatives of the association. Adams value The impact of EU integration on Poland hypothesis centers around individuals’ responses to the reasonableness of result they get in relations to their view of the data sources they give, particularly when contrasted with the apparent results/inputs that others get. (Watchman et al., 2001). As per Adams hypothesis value is accomplished when the proportion of worker results over sources of info is equivalent to other representative results over information sources (Adams, 1965). This hypothesis will give all the more understanding towards inspirational contrast among changeless and transitory staff of the association. Vroom’s hypothesis underpins that representative exertion will prompt execution and execution will prompt prizes (Vroom, 1964). The prizes can be either positive or negative, however the more positive reward will lead the representative to work progressively inspired and on the other hand, the more negative the reward the more uncertain the worker will be roused. In M&S cash call focus (M&S), perpetual and brief staffs are playing out similar obligations, expected to meet a similar target and prepared to scent the obligations similarly, rephrase framework is diverse as far as reward, annuity, organization rebate card and other non financial prizes. By mulling over this and applying the chose four hypotheses in this condition. The two gatherings representatives must demonstrate a distinction in inspiration in accordance with Adams value hypothesis and furthermore will be on various stages in relations to Maslow’s need-chain of importance hypothesis. The exploration will likewise clarify what they expect as a perpetual/impermanent worker working for M&S in accordance with Vroom’s hope hypothesis. Two factor hypothesis will clarify how much impact every inspiration factor The impact of EU integration on Poland have on every one of the workers. 3.3.1. References: Adair, J. (1990) Understanding Motivation. London: The Talbot Adair Press. Adams, J. S. (1965) Inequity in social trade. In L. Berkowitz. Advances in exploratory social brain science. New York: Academic Press. Arkin, A. (1997) People Management, Call Center Stress, Vol 3 Issues 6, 22-27 Arnold, J., Cooper, C., Robertson, I.T. (1998) Work Psychology, Understanding human conduct in the working environment, third release. Essex: Pearson Education Limited Collis, J. and Hussey, R (1997) Business look into: a functional guide for undergrad and postgraduate understudies, second release. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Fisher, C. (2004) Researching and composing an exposition: A manual for business understudies, second version. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Fletcher, C. (1993) Appraisal: Routes to improved execution, second release. London: IPD House. Gillham, B. (2000) Developing a survey: Real world research, second release. New York: Contimuum International Publishing gathering Hertzberg, F. (1968) One More Time: How would you thought process representatives? Harvard Business survey, 53-62 Hertzberg, F., Manunser, B. furthermore, Synderman B (1959), The Motivation in Work. New York: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., and Snyderman, B, B. (1959) The inspiration to work. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Holman, D.J. (2002) Human Resource Management Journal, Employees prosperity in call focuses, Vol 7 Jones, F., Burke, R. J., and Westman, M. (2006) Work-Life balance: mental viewpoint. Sussex: Psychology press. Katzell, Yankelovich (1975) Compensation Benefits Review, Pay versus Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction, Vol 8, 54-66 Kruger, D.J. (2003) The Co The impact of EU integration on Poland mmunity Psychologist, Integrating quantitative and subjective strategies in network investigate, Vol 36, 18-19 Lindner, J, R. (1998) Understanding Employee Motivation. Vol 36, issue 3, June. Luthans, F. (1998) Organizational Behavior eighth version. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill Marshall, C,. Rossman, G. (1999) Designing Qualitative Research third version. London: Sage Publication Ltd Maslow, A.H. (1954) Motivation and Personality. Harper and Row Publishers, New York: New York Miguel, A,. Quinones and Ehrenstein, A. (1996) Training for a quickly evolving working environment: use of mental research. Washington: American brain research affiliation. Mullins, L. The impact of EU integration on Poland J. (2002) Management and Organizational Behavior, sixth Edition. London: Prentice Hall. Myers, M.D. (2002) Qualitative Research in Business and Management. London: Sage Publications. Doorman, L. W., Bigley, G.A., and Steers R, M. (1975) Motivation and work conduct. New York: Irwin McGraw-Hill Doorman, L.W., Lawler, E.E. (1968) Managerial dispositions and execution. Homewood II: Irwin Rose, E. (2002) The Journal of Industrial Relations, The work procedure and association responsibilities inside a financial administrations call focus, Vol 44, Issue 1, 40-61 Rose, Ed. (2001 Employment relatio The impact of EU integration on Poland ns, second version. Essex: Pearson Education Limited Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2007) Research strategies for business understudies, third release, Essex: Pearson Education Limited Smith, K. Toddd, M. Waldman, J (2009) Doing your undergrad sociology thesis. Oxon: Routledge Terpstra, D. E. (1979) Theories of inspiration: obtaining the best. Work force Journal, 58. 376. Vroom, V. (1992) Management inspiration. second version. London: penguin books ltd Vroom, V. H. (1964) Work and inspiration. New York: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. 5. Framework Methodology: After the writing survey and foundation investigation of the call focus condition, a positivist methodology has been adjusted to the examination. Despite the fact that, inspiration is considered as an abstract factor, the foundation investigation of the call focus condition is contrasted and tended to comparable with battery-cultivating condition (Arkin 1997) with normal for tailorism. The most significant purpose behind choosing positivist methodology is, that this examination is trying the four speculations of inspiration referenced in writing survey in call focus in perpetual and brief representatives, which falls in accordance with Myers, M.D (2002) contention that pos The impact of EU integration on Poland itivist by and large endeavor to test hypothesis. The examination technique used to gather essential information is a semi organized survey with open and shut inquiries. Auxiliary information will be accumulated from association through human asset office on enlistment measurements and furthermore from study results recently led by the association. The poll incorporates open and shut in The impact of EU integration on Poland quiries, both straight out and quantifiable. Every one of the inquiries are measurably examined by utilizing codes and exceed expectations spreadsheet and will be satisf The impact of EU integration on Poland actory through bar graphs/pie outlines. The positivist methodology of testing hypothesis and utilizing quantifiable information gathering techniques falls into the deductive methodology which falls in accordance with positivism (Saunders The impact of EU integration on Poland et al. 2007)>
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