If you have gone to a doctorâs appointment within the last 20 years, you have likely signed a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) form. HIPAA protects a patientâs mental and physical health information and allows the patient access to records. Under the law, the patient can also distribute those records to other parties. As with mandated reporting, there are exceptions to the HIPAA protection, such as in cases of abuse or public health threats.
you learn more about HIPAA regulations and reflect on your exposure to HIPAA as a patient.
watch the Southside Community Services video listed in this weekâs Learning Resources and reflect on how HIPAA informs the interaction between the social worker and the client.
Identify two HIPAA regulations for health care providers.
Describe a time when you have signed a form related to HIPAA (e.g., doctorâs office)
Reflect on your knowledge as the consumer on the regulations of HIPAA and how your provider explained your rights. Explain whether or not your provider adequately informed you of your rights?
Explain how HIPAA supports or doesnât support the NASW Code of Ethics (2008).
Cummins, L., K., & Sevel, J., A. (2017). Social work skills for beginning direct practice: Text, workbook, and interactive web based case studies (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Sample Answer
Two HIPAA regulations for health care providers:
- The Privacy Rule:Â This rule protects the privacy of patients’ health information. It requires healthcare providers to obtain the patient’s written authorization before using or disclosing their protected health information (PHI) for any purpose other than treatment, payment, or healthcare operations.
- The Security Rule:Â This rule requires healthcare providers to implement safeguards to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of PHI. This includes measures to protect PHI from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
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