Using “The Girl of Ramlah” AND “The Prisoner of War” by al-Tanukhi, interpret the significance of captivity, confinement, and coercion and how characters navigate these challenges to pursue goals of safety and/or desire. Cite one or more specific passages from each story that you discuss in your interpretation.

Sample Answer
Al-Tanukhi’s tales, The Girl of Ramlah and The Prisoner of War, offer profound insights into the human experience of captivity, confinement, and coercion. Both stories explore how characters navigate these challenges and strive for freedom, both physical and spiritual.
In The Girl of Ramlah, the titular character, Ramlah bint Abi Sufyan, is a young woman who embraces Islam despite facing persecution from her family and society. Her story highlights the power of faith and conviction in overcoming adversity. Even though she is confined by societal expectations and the opposition of her family, Ramlah’s unwavering belief in Islam empowers her to resist and ultimately find freedom.
A key passage that illustrates this is when Ramlah openly declares her faith to her father, Abu Sufyan: “By God, I will never abandon Islam, even if you kill me.” This act of defiance demonstrates the strength of her conviction and her willingness to endure hardship for her beliefs.
In The Prisoner of War, the protagonist, a young man captured by a rival tribe, is subjected to harsh conditions and physical and psychological torture. Despite these challenges, he remains resilient and resourceful. He uses his intelligence and wit to outsmart his captors and eventually escape.
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