What do you think is the future of hospitals?
People have contrasting opinions regarding the future of hospitals. Some people argue that hospitals are expanding while saving lives, investing in technology and being profitable. On the other hand, others believe that the current hospital system will soon grow obsolete. They believe that with the collapse of healthcare, the Medicare and Medicaid restrictions and the prevalence of walk in clinics and urgent care centers, hospitals will draw from a smaller pool of patients, thus negatively affecting its profit.
Prompt: What do you think is the future of hospitals?
Step 2: Form your opinion
Since you have to write 2 argumentative paragraphs, think of 2 reasons why you support your opinion. Then think of how you are going to develop those ideas in the paragraph. You will need to cite a source at least 2 times in the entire essay. Make sure to follow MLA guidelines.
Then consider what the people who oppose you would say. What are their viewpoints. Identify 2-3 counterarguments to develop. You can cite in this paragraph, too.

Sample Solution
What do you think is the future of hospitals? People have contrasting opinions regarding the future of hospitals. Some people argue that hospitals are expanding while saving lives, investing in technology and being profitable. On the other hand, others believe that the current hospital system will soon grow The future of hospitals obsolete. They believe that with the collapse of healthcare, the Medicare and Medicaid restrictions and the prevalence of walk in clinics and urgent care centers, hospitals will draw from a smaller pool of patients, thus negatively affecting its profit. Prompt: What do you think is the future of hospitals? Step 2: Form your opinion Since you have to write 2 argumentative paragraphs, think of 2 reasons why you support your opinion. Then think of how you are going to develop those ideas in the para The future of hospitals graph. You will need to cite a source at least 2 times in the entire essay. Make sure to follow MLA guidelines. Then consider what the people who oppose you would say. What are their viewpoints. Identify 2-3 counterarguments to develop. You can cite in this paragraph, too. >
What do you think is the future of hospitals? People have contrasting opinions regarding the future of hospitals. Some people argue that hospitals are expanding while saving lives, investing in technology and being profitable. On the other hand, others believe that the current hospital system will soon grow obsolete. They believe that with the collapse of healthcare, the Medicare a The future of hospitals nd Medicaid restrictions and the prevalence of walk in clinics and urgent care centers, hospitals will draw from a smaller pool of patients, thus negatively affecting its profit. Prompt: What do you think is the future of hospitals? Step 2: Form your opinion Since you have to write 2 argumentative paragraphs, think of 2 reasons why you support your opinion. Then think of how you are going to develop those ideas in the paragraph. You will need to cite a source at least 2 times in the entire essay. Make sure to follow MLA guidelines. Then consider what the people who oppose you would say. What are their viewpoints. Identify 2-3 counter The future of hospitalsarguments to develop. You can cite in this paragraph, too. >