You are the Quality Director of a local health system. Your organization has decided to seek accreditation through the Joint Commission. Your first task has been penned by the CEO to prepare for the accreditation process by conducting a literature review on the impact of accreditation on quality of care. The review of literature should include the historical underpinnings of quality initiatives since the publishing of the blockbuster report by the Institute of Medicine â To Err is Human – and an evaluation of the developments in quality initiatives over the past two decades. Upon completing the review of literature, you are asked to compile a report highlighting the history of quality improvement and the significance of quality initiatives on the future of care delivery. Your report should support the organizationâs goal of earning accreditation through the Joint Commission.
Complete a report that encompasses the history of Quality Healthcare, which focuses on the ways in which quality improvement has changed over time and how past initiatives shape current and future quality initiatives. At a minimum, your report should include:
An assessment of the accreditation process and its role in improving quality of care.
A review of the quality initiatives that have been developed in recent years and the impact of the initiatives on the quality of care delivered.
Support for accreditation based on the review of literature on quality from the historical perspective to future implications.
A discussion on the fundamental changes that have been implemented since the IOMâs report and potential for continuous quality improvement.
Recommendations for your organization to prepare for the accreditation process based on your review of literature and your assessment of the overall process.

Sample Answer
History of Quality Healthcare
The quality of healthcare has been a concern for centuries. However, it was not until the 20th century that quality improvement initiatives began to be developed and implemented.
One of the most significant events in the history of quality healthcare was the publication of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report “To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System” in 1999. This report found that medical errors were the eighth leading cause of death in the United States. The report also made a number of recommendations for improving the quality of healthcare, including the development and implementation of quality improvement initiatives.
Since the publication of the IOM report, there has been a significant increase in the number and scope of quality improvement initiatives in healthcare. These initiatives have been developed and implemented by a variety of stakeholders, including healthcare providers, organizations, and government agencies.
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