The Gender Gap is defined as ‘the discrepancies in opportunities and status between men and women.’ Many believe the gender gap is still very present in America, saying that women have fewer opportunities in STEM-related fields and make less money than men regardless of time on the job, education, or experience.
However, there are also those who believe the gender gap problem is just a myth. To them, these claims do not consider the type of job, the fact that men may work more hours, and that men are more likely to pursue high-stress advancements.
Is there evidence to suggest that the gender gap still exists today? If so, is there a solution to this problem? If not, what do you think is causing so many to believe that it still exists?
Research proposal should be between 500 – 800 words. In your research proposal, be sure to cover the following components for each prompt:
The prompt and questions you want to address
Your thesis (your position regarding the main question you address)
Your goals for the paper
Supporting details
How and what you will research to support your thesis
It should be clear from your proposal not just which two prompts you have selected, but how you intend to focus, develop, and prove them. Regardless of which prompts you choose, evidence from reputable sources must be used to support your claims
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