The correctional system has the responsibility of supervising offenders sentenced for their crimes. This includes both incarcerated offenders, as well as offenders serving sentences in the community. To reduce our nation’s overcrowded prisons, the courts have been challenged with sentencing offenders to the community in lieu of going to prison using Intermediate Sanctions, otherwise known as alternative sanctions.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of sentencing individuals to house arrest with GPS monitoring?
Should those convicted of sexual offenses be precluded from being sentenced to house arrest with GPS monitoring? Explain.

Sample Answer
House arrest with GPS monitoring is an intermediate sanction that allows offenders to serve their sentences in the community while being monitored electronically. It is often used as an alternative to incarceration, especially for low-risk offenders.
The advantages of house arrest with GPS monitoring include:
- It is less expensive than incarceration.
- It allows offenders to maintain employment and family ties.
- It can be more effective in reducing recidivism than incarceration.
- It can be used to monitor offenders who are at risk of reoffending or who are considered to be a danger to the community.
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