Frederick Douglass’s Narrative is considered the classic American ex-slave narrative. In his narrative, Douglass details what it feels like to grow up an enslaved human, taught that as someone else’s property, you have no right to yourself. Briefly what for you was a particularly striking or eye-opening experience he describes or observation he makes in his narrative.

Sample Answer
Frederick Douglass’s Narrative is a powerful and moving account of his life as a slave. In the narrative, Douglass describes the physical and emotional abuse he suffered at the hands of his masters, as well as the psychological toll that slavery took on him.
One of the most striking experiences that Douglass describes is the time he was whipped for refusing to eat his breakfast. Douglass had been working in the fields all day and was exhausted. He did not want to eat breakfast, but his master insisted. When Douglass refused, his master whipped him until he bled.
This experience was particularly striking to me because it shows how slaves were treated as less than human. Douglass was not a person to his master; he was simply property. The master had no regard for Douglass’s physical or emotional pain. He only cared about getting Douglass to eat his breakfast.
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