Scenario: People in your congregation have read Jonathan R. Wilsonâs Godâs Good World. It has
proven to be controversial with some people loving it and others hating it. Specifically, some
people are not happy with his methodology. Others see his understanding of creation itself as
being a problem. Still others are unhappy regarding the eschatology presented. As the pastor of
the church you need to articulate the churchâs position regarding this controversy.
The target text for this assignment is Jonathan R. Wilson, Godâs Good World (Grand Rapids, MI:
Baker, 2013). The letter will focus on three areas: method, creation, and eschatology. For each
area the student must identify and discuss at least one strength and at least one weakness of the
target text.

Sample Answer
A Pastoral Response to Godâs Good World
Dear Congregation,
As you may know, Jonathan R. Wilsonâs Godâs Good World has sparked much discussion within our community. While the book offers valuable insights and challenges us to think critically about our faith, it is important to approach it with discernment.
Letâs examine three key areas of the book: methodology, creation, and eschatology.
- Strength: Wilson’s interdisciplinary approach, blending biblical studies, theology, and science, offers a comprehensive perspective on the relationship between faith and reason.
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