subject-related context, research situation, issues concerning data and methodology. The project description shall cover a maximum of 12 000 characters. Project : Keeping status quo or seeking innovation: Can MNC headquarters provide attention to novel information? Existing research in international business has shown that headquarters of multinational corporations (MNCs) provide greater attention to subsidiaries that they consider as strategically important for the entire organisation or that occupy a central position in the organisational network. In addition, research has shown that MNC headquarters attention and decision-making is often biased by their existing knowledge and experience. This suggests that headquarters attention patterns are stuck in what is already known by them thus preventing them to recognize novel business ideas, especially when coming from less central subsidiaries. These subsidiaries are often a source of business opportunities that drive innovation and lead to business development of the entire organisation. Hence, our research aims to contribute to existing international business and global strategy literature by: 1) examining additional factors that may determine the attention patterns of headquarters and 2) identifying enabling factors that allow MNC headquarters to move away from their biases in order to respond to novel business ideas from subsidiaries in the periphery of the organisation. We plan to collect the data in two stages: in the first stage, qualitative data will be mainly collected through interviews and ethnography, while in the second stage, quantitative data (through a survey) will be collected to test existing research and insights gained from the qualitative data collected in the first stage.

Sample Answer
Research Project: Headquarters’ Attention to Novel Information from Peripheral Subsidiaries
Research Question
How can MNC headquarters overcome biases and allocate attention to novel business ideas originating from peripheral subsidiaries?
Research Objectives
- Identify the factors that influence headquarters’ attention to peripheral subsidiaries.
- Explore the mechanisms through which headquarters can recognize and respond to novel business ideas from peripheral subsidiaries.
- Develop a framework for enhancing headquarters’ ability to identify and capitalize on innovative ideas from peripheral subsidiaries.
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