We can work on Social Movement Analysis

Select your social movement image: you can search the internet for this. The image can be from Instagram, twitter, Facebook, google, CNN, FOX, MSNBC etc.

While you are watching/viewing your chosen image or video consider the following questions:
a) What is the image explicitly advocating? Implicitly advocating?
b) Is there a specific setting, location, or time utilized?
c) Are there slogans, mascots, or recognizable people in the image? What effect do they have?
d) Is the image part of an overall / larger campaign?
e) Who is the intended audience (this should be VERY specific)?
f) What rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos) are present?
g) Are logical fallacies present? Which ones? Are they convincing despite themselves?
h) Would the image work in another form of media?
i) Would the image have the same affect in another country/culture?

Sample Solution

For a considerable length of time the contention of unrestrained choice and determinism has been the continuous incredible discussion. Between a philosophical and logical position there have been numerous discussions regarding which idea maintains truth and keeps the laws of nature; determinism or unrestrained choice. Unrestrained choice is the idea that we as cognizant individuals can uninhibitedly and really settle on unsure decisions in circumstances where we are allowed to do as such. The restricting perspective to this, determinism, is the thought that all occasions on the planet are impacts or results of past occasions. Right now will quickly clarify the two thoughts too the assortments behind both them. I will give a short diagram of the logical and philosophical ways to deal with the thought of through and through freedom. In the event that determinism is valid, at that point the idea of human ethical quality is simply a deception of decision. Along these lines, unrestrained choice is the most reasonable on account of individuals on the grounds that as we know about our through and through freedom or our capacity to pick and this makes us answerable for moral activities and every single other go about as people. Determinism is the idea that everything is dictated by past occasions. It is firmly related with the domino impact; as one domino falls the following will fall et cetera. This shut all inclusive view implies that there everything is foreordained and fated to happen ruling out anything new to appear. Each activity, thought or cognizant choice that we make as a human is the impact of our past activity. In a more prominent sense, all occasions that have occurred in history are impacts of earlier occasions. This persuades everything is concrete and unalterable in past, present or future. Determinism is an expansive and radical thought that influences spilling convictions, for example, profound quality, science and religion.>

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