We can work on Social media can be used to build goodwill in business

Social media can be used to build goodwill in business. Select a company that you use to purchase products or services from frequently, one that has established a social media presence. Please keep in mind that you do not have to “follow” them on social media to participate in this discussion. This information can be researched easily, even without a social media account.

Do you follow them on social media? If so, what made this company worth following?
What incentives are offered for following the company on social media?
Analyze the company’s social media interactions with customers.
Provide examples of how it responds to consumer questions and concerns.
Explain how the company builds goodwill in its responses or, if it does not, how its communication could be improved to support consumer goodwill.
Do you see any areas that could use improvement? If so, what are your suggestions?
Please remember the following elements for discussion posts, as stated in the syllabus:

Online Discussion Boards: There will be a total of 8 at 25 pts. each (200 pt. equivalent). Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words. You should then respond to three classmates; 150-word minimum. During each week, you will be required to incorporate your textbook, including at least one “outside” scholarly source in your initial posts. You will need to follow APA 7h edition guidelines. The professor has posted student examples for the class to view. It is imperative to complete these weekly posts on time (to be specified in Canvas and on the course calendar, which is located at the end of the syllabus). Each initial discussion board response must be posted by Thursday before midnigh

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aphasia and further expand knowledge on generalization. Their findings suggest that implementing the technique to improve a patient’s semantic map by way of semantic feature analysis, does increase a person’s overall communication level (DeLong et al., 2015). Semantic feature analysis is a well-known intervention for anomia in patients with aphasia and a number of studies such as, (Wambaugh, Mauszycki, Cameron, Wright, & Nessler, 2013) and (Nadeau & Kendall, 2006), have proved an increase in overall communication. The ability to communicate in everyday life is vital to a person’s overall well-being; therefore, it is important to further research treatment approaches that will allow a person to gain access into communicating effectively. The present study aims to further investigate the impact Semantic Feature Analysis can have on an aphasia patient’s ability to communicate in everyday life through communication with partners, and the overall functional communication of an aphasia patient. Throughout the study, patients with aphasia will be treated using Semantic Feature Analysis and overall communication will be measured. This study will examine if intensive Semantic Feature Analysis treatment truly does improve overall functional communication in aphasia patients. Methods Participants The participants of this study will be recruited by consulting speech language pathologists and primary care physicians at St. David’s Rehabilitation Hospital in Austin, Texas. A consent form will be sent to the qualified participants, which will provide an explanation of the study and what the expected outcomes will be. The consent form will be documented appropriately and kept in the participant’s folder throughout the study. The participants of this study will include six native speakers of English, both male and female, in the age range of 46 to 82 years old. The participants will be assessed by the clinician to determine eligibility according to the inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria of this study will include: each participant be at least six-months post left-sided stroke, have a fluent aphasia with mild to moderate anomia, sufficient auditory comprehension in order to be able to understand the instructions that will be given in this study, no other illnesses or injury, no visual or articulatory difficulties that will prevent participation, good physical and psychological status in order to complete the study, and a high school diploma. The clinician will administer the Western Aphasia Battery – Revised (WAB; Kertesz, 2006) and the Porch Index of Communicative Ability (PICA; Porch, 2001) in order to determine type and severity of aphasia. Materials>

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