We can work on soc 318 #4 discussion post

Read through the questions below, use them as a guide, you do not have to answer any particular one or any of them for that matter. The questions are designed to bring the main points in the chapter to the forefront of your mind. Resources for the Assessment: Ritzer, chapter 5Time investment: approximately one hourThis week’s topic: how is your life affected by predictability and control?Aside from the fast-food restaurant, telemarketers, and salespeople, what are other examples of scripted interactions? Do they exist between students and professors? Parents and children? People on dates?Is the use of false friendliness a good or bad ploy for the companies that implement them in their standard operating procedures?Would you feel uncomfortable if a counter person or sales clerk began acting or interacting in a manner different from the one you typically expect?How are the plot lines, characters, action sequences, and even the “unpredictable” elements of the movies you watch all predictable? Or are they not? What was the last movie or TV show that you watched that was not predictable? Did you like it? Why, why not? How would your favorite sport be different if there were not such an emphasis on predictability?Would an element of unpredictability enhance or limit enjoyment at an amusement park?Consider all of the aspects of your life. Are there any aspects that stand out as unpredictable? Are there things in your life that you would like to be less predictable? How about less predictable? Have any of you had to work a job where they tried to make what you did more predictable? What was your experience of this like?Given that even camping has been made more predictable, is it possible to ever really escape predictability? Where would this be possible? Would you like to do this?Is control a good thing? Is control a bad thing? Or is it more complicated? Explain your answer.For students with work experience, in what ways were you controlled on the job? What was this like and how did this make you feel?Do you think employees should be controlled in the workplace? If no, why not? If yes, to what extent should they be controlled?Do you ever feel controlled as a customer when you are in a fast-food restaurant? How about when you are in a grocery or other chain store? Or the mall?Do you believe that your educational experience is highly controlled or do you believe that you are mostly in control of your educational experience? Or is it more complicated?Are there areas of social life where you would like to see more or less control being exerted over people? Why is this?What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of control in the food industry? How do you feel about eating the products of such a controlled system? Has reading this chapter made you rethink your eating habits at all?What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of control in the healthcareindustry? How do you feel about each when they apply to you personally? How about when applied to your grandmother?Do you believe that the educational system is a controlled institution? If so, who is in control? Is it the students, the professors, or someone else?How do you feel about the increasing control exerted over the processes of being born and of dying? Would you want your children (should you choose to have any) to be born in a controlled manner? Would you want to die in a controlled manner?

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