We can work on Sickle-cell patients with pain treated with controlled substance

Write a one page paper on sickle-cell patients with pain treated with controlled substance medications who are in the care of a prescribing APRN, how will expanding the controlled substance rules for APRN prescribers to include additional hours on management, safety, and regulations compared with the existing controlled substance CE rules affect APRN prescriber knowledge of controlled substance pain management, safety, and regulations?
Please use at least two peer reviewed journal articles no older than 5 years.

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1. The optimum experiences through which the brain learns are more in tune with gaming than formal education. Repeated trial and error with constant failure, short tasks and rewards, multi-sensory input with an emphasis on visual 3d and a sense of ‘false danger’ all massively boost cognition and create a sense of immersion. 2. Emotional security has a massive physical impact on cognition. Safe, positive and emotionally secure situations are necessary for learning. This underscores the need to tackle cyberbullying. 3. Certain activities are better suited to non-technological solutions. A good example is texts. Neuroscience indicates that reading a physical book boosts cognition and enhances a wide range of skills to a greater extent than reading text on a virtual screen. We are already seeing a move back towards books in the classroom, especially in literacy classes. 4. The impact of screen use on developing minds continues to be controversial. There is no peer-reviewed evidence that iPads and phones negatively affect development. The moral panic about screen use is similar to the moral panics about novels, films, TV, comics and video nasties that the popular press whipped up over the last two hundred years. We do need to be mindful of the arguments coming out of this quarter and respond to them in a measured way, backed up by robust statistical evidence. 5. A number of theories that still have currency in education have been refuted. These include Left Brain/Right Brain theories and Multiple Learning Styles or Intelligences (the VAK model). We must make sure that we no longer refer to, or use these theories to inform product and marketing, even if some of our clients still use it in their practice. Similarly, we must avoid inventing our own theories of education and learning, and instead align ourselves to future peer-reviewed and validated research and thinking. Game-based learning As pointed out in the section on Neuroscience above, gaming and game-based learning appears to be the optimal way to learn. Over the next few years games and gaming will increasingly take a significant role in learning. It is important to separate out Gaming from Gamification. Gamification is basically gaming-lite, whereby students get points, rewards, badges and reach levels as they learn. This is no different from the motivational gold stars or scouting badges used over the last hundred years or so and while it has some positive effects, does not have the significant impact on, or potential for, education that actual games have. The key points about gaming for education are as follows:>

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