Reflect on which approach suits you best when retaining knowledgeâcognitive or behavioral. Explain your choice. How do you think organizations can apply the cognitive and behavioral approaches when designing and delivering training to meet the needs of more employees?

Sample Answer
I think the cognitive approach suits me best when retaining knowledge. I learn best by understanding the concepts and principles behind the information, and then applying those concepts to real-world situations. I also find that I am more likely to remember information that I have actively processed and thought about, rather than information that I have simply been told.
The behavioral approach can also be effective for retaining knowledge, but I find that it is not as effective for me personally. The behavioral approach focuses on learning by doing, and while I do learn by doing, I also need to understand the why behind what I am doing.
I think organizations can apply the cognitive and behavioral approaches when designing and delivering training by:
- Starting with the learner’s needs. What do the learners need to know and be able to do?
- Using a variety of teaching methods. This could include lectures, discussions, simulations, and hands-on activities.
- Making the training relevant to the learner’s work. This will help the learners see the value of the training and be more motivated to learn.
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