Psychologyâs roots have been attributed to the early Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The emergence of scientific thought began through the writings and teachings of Christian church scholars. One of the movements was based on Scholasticism, which was the attempt to bring theological thought to human reasoning. Thomas Aquinas was considered one of the major contributors to this school of thought. As we move through our studies in this course it is apparent that the major contributors to psychology stem from not only Classical Greek philosophy but a strong Western European Christian philosophy as well.
What is the importance of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle in understanding the foundations of psychology? Describe the similarities and differences among these three philosophers and how their philosophies compare and contrast with the philosophies of others, such as the Sophists.
How did early Christian scholars like Thomas Aquinas synthesize the Greek philosophy with Christian theological perspectives? What impact did Aquinas’ writings have on future philosophical thinking?
Why would it be important to expand our historical perspectives on psychology to include philosophical points of view from Eastern and Mid-Eastern cultures, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism?
Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning. Comment on the postings of at least two peers. Provide an analysis of each peerâs postings while also suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.

Sample Answer
Early Christian scholars like Thomas Aquinas synthesized Greek philosophy with Christian theological perspectives through a process known as scholasticism. Scholasticism is a method of philosophical inquiry that seeks to reconcile Christian beliefs with the teachings of ancient Greek philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle.
Aquinas was one of the most important figures in the development of scholasticism. He argued that the truths of faith and reason are not in conflict, but rather that they complement each other. He used the writings of Aristotle to provide a rational foundation for Christian beliefs, and he argued that the human soul is immortal and that it will be reunited with the body after death.
Aquinas’ writings had a profound impact on future philosophical thinking. His work was studied and debated by philosophers for centuries, and it continues to be influential today. His synthesis of Greek philosophy and Christian theology helped to shape the way that Western thinkers have understood the world, and his arguments for the immortality of the soul continue to be debated by philosophers and theologians.
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