We can work on Psychology reflection

Aim for succinctness and synthesis in your writing. You should incorporate readings, lectures, and other course activities in your responses. When you are incorporating information from a reading or lecture, refer to the material in your response (e.g., “Markus and Kitayama (2010) talked about….” Or “As we talked about in class on September 5th, ….”). There is no requirement to seek sources outside of course materials. Therefore, you do not need to create a reference list or a bibliography.
Answer each following questions: (6 questions total in 6 -8 pages)
1.Go to https://native-land.ca/ and search for the region–China, which you grew up. If you grew up outside of Canada, the United States, or Australia, search for any region you feel a connection to (perhaps Victoria, BC). Read the teacher’s guide. https://native-land.ca/teachers-guide/. Reflect on tensions of using maps to represent indigenous history and knowledge. Which indigenous people have lived in this territory? Learn something about these people. Were you able to learn any insights into their connection with the land?

Reflect on the role culture plays in forming our behaviors and beliefs:
2.Think about a cultural context in which you participate. How has it shaped the way you see yourself, others, and the world? What are the pervasive messages or values in that cultural context? How are they communicated? How have they affected your values, preferences and beliefs?

  1. Based on what you have learned about other members of the class so far, what might be some things that everyone in our class has in common, despite differences in culture?
  2. How would you describe your identity to someone else? If it helps you to answer this question, identify three areas (such as those represented on the wheel) that you feel stand out in their importance to you personally. Are there any aspects of diversity that you think are missing or should be represented differently? Explain what makes them important to you.
  3. Think back to our discussion of stereotypes. Have you experienced another person using stereotypes directed at you? Reflect on which aspect of yourself was stereotyped and what the consequences of that were for you.
  4. Summary Reflection: Reflecting on the three parts of this volume, has any theme emerged in your thinking?

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Horsetail is a bizarre looking kind of plant with crawling, string like rootstock and roots at the hubs that produce various empty stems. Phytochemically, the plant is found to have a wide cluster of optional metabolites which add to the restorative properties of the plant. The plant Equisetum arvense is a society medication and its concentrate is utilized locally to treat tuberculosis, edema, kidney and bladder stones, urinary parcel diseases, incontinence, sharpness and dyspepsia, ulcers and wounds, draining and so on. Reports are accessible with respect to its mitigating, antinociceptive (Monte Do et al., 2004), cell reinforcement and antiproliferative (Dragana et al., 2010), antimicrobial (Fathi et al., 2004), hepatoprotective (Goodness et al., 2004), antidiabetic (Safiyeh et al., 2007), coagulant and astringent properties (Clute, 1928). Horsetail is primarily utilized as a diuretic (Jung et al., 1999). The antiquated Greeks involved horsetail in the treatment of wounds. Mutagenicity/antimutagenicity measures have been utilized to recognize potential antimutagens and anticarcinogens giving open doors to the advancement of new medications to be utilized in the anticipation and treatment of neoplasies (Gebhart, 1992). Among the bioassays to survey DNA harm in mammalian cells in vivo, the chromosomal variation test is a successful momentary examine in light of the fact that the occurance of the chromosomal distortions is one of the main natural result of openness of a living being to the genotoxic specialist. In vivo mammalian chromosomal variation test has been effectively utilized for the discovery of underlying distortions prompted by the test substance in the bone marrow cells of creatures, generally rodents (Preston et al., 1987; Amer et al., 2002; Patlolla and Tchounwou, 2005). The upsides of the CA examine are connected with the phone by cell approach, an exact ID of all the different chromosome transformation types, a potential co-location of mitotic records and the semi robotized scoring by picture examination. In ongoing many years, enhancements in malignant growth treatment have emphatically expanded the endurance rates among patients (UNSCEAR, 2000). In any case, the therapies like radiotherapy and chemotherapy are possibly genotoxic and mutagenic which can prompt the advancement of auxiliary, therapy related conditions, including further tumors, as well as incline survivors toward different non-dangerous sicknesses that can frequently appear in the posterity (Glades et al., 2009). Present chemotherapy disease medicines have ended up being insufficient because of their poisonousness as well as for the cells creating obstruction (Mc Whirter et al., 1996). Concentrates on carried on mice have likewise demonstrated the way that openness to anticancer medications can result in transgenerational genomic unsteadiness (Glen and Dubrova, 2012). Chemotherapy disease treatment cases include constant utilization of antineoplastic specialists which kill neoplastic tissue as they are poisonous to quickly multiplying cells. Anyway all the while, they can harm ordinary multiplying cells also. This brings down their remedial record. Consequently long haul utilization of these antineoplastic specialists has turned into a subject of expanding concern (Arif et al., 2009). In excess of 100 chemotherapy drugs are utilized in malignant growth treatment, either alone or in mix with different medications or medicines. One such medication is Cyclophosphamide. Cyclophosphamide (CPA) which has a place with the class of oxazaphosphorines is an alkylating specialist. It had been recorded as one of the m>

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