I’m working on a psychology writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
I’m working on a psychology writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.
PSYC203: Tackling the Pandemic and Long-Term Impacts
Big idea: How will the Covid-19 pandemic affect human development?
The Covid-19 pandemic will continue to affect many aspects of our lives for years to come. The purpose of this paper is to pick one area and look at it from a developmental psychology point of view.
You will need to use concepts and theories we have been covering this semester. I understand we are only beginning to see research as we are still dealing with the pandemic itself. That said, you will be looking at what information you can find now, what is being speculated, and then using your own terrific thinking and what we have been covering, talk about what you see as developmental implications for one of the topics below. Pick something that interests you- it will make the project far more interesting. If there is something not on this list that you would like to write about, check with me.
Here are some possible topics drawn from that big idea:
What resources can you use to complete this assignment?
• Use our textbook and any readings/resources in the content area of our class.
• Use articles that come from reliable sources- peer-reviewed journals, web sources that are based on research and/or input from experts in the field, and you may also use newspaper and magazine articles. Just make it clear what is “academic.”
• You may choose to interview someone. This can allow you to gain insights from that person to use in your paper, quoting them, etc. For example, the experience of being quarantined has been very different for families with children, young single adults, elderly people living alone and so forth.
Remember, while you are sharing your opinion, you are grounding this in science, theories and psychological concepts.
How should you structure your paper?
1. Formulate a thesis statement about what you want to focus on, critically analyze, and write about. Your introduction should include your topic and an overview of what the paper will cover
2. Use headings as they will help organize the flow of your work
3. The paper will need a summary and conclusion section at the end and include any unanswered questions you have. We do not have all the answers yet, but this assignment will help you learn to engage in educated, informed, speculation.
4. Use APA format- this means Times New Roman 12 pt font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins (no, I don’t measure, but I can tell if you have super wide margins). Be sure your citations and references are in APA format. Be sure you have both a title page and a reference page
5. Please take care with writing mechanics. Poor grammar, run-on sentences, sentence fragments and spelling errors all will cost you points. If this is an are of concern for you, please remember, MC Writing Centers are open and doing virtual appointments.
How long should this paper be?
• This is a chance to show some mastery of what you gleaned in the course and an opportunity to reflect on a difficult time in our individual and collective lives. By writing, we can come to think more clearly and know what we know and feel what we feel.
Other questions you might have
Can I write this based on my own experience? Yes, you may but this is not a requirement. Some of you may feel comfortable doing this and others may not. Some of you may be more interested in an aspect of the pandemic that has not affected you directly.
Can I use first person if I write about my own experience? Yes
One last thing: We will be talking about the big topic of the pandemic during our last class discussion, so once you’ve done this assignment, you will have an easy time with that last discussion!
Submit to the assignment folder. Please submit as a word file (not a pdf), labeled as follows:
Point Value: 100 points
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