Most Americans share the same values, but most also think people on the other side of the political spectrum do not share those same values.
Read this article and respond to all of the following questions using complete sentences:
Label your paragraphs with 1, 2 and 3 to make it easier for me to award points for relevant responses.
What is one problem identified in this article that results from polarization between political parties?
What is something you have seen or heard in the news or your life recently that demonstrates what this article is talking about? (If you cannot think of anything, search the internet for something responsive).
In your opinion, how does viewing members of a different party as an enemy affect American politics?

Sample Answer
here are my answers to your questions:
1. What is one problem identified in this article that results from polarization between political parties?
The article identifies a number of problems that result from polarization between political parties, including:
- Increased gridlock in government:Â When the two parties are so divided, it can be difficult to pass legislation or make progress on important issues.
- Increased political extremism:Â When people are only exposed to information from their own side of the political aisle, they can become more extreme in their views.
- Increased distrust of the other side:Â When people view the other side as an enemy, it can be difficult to find common ground or compromise.
- Increased political violence:Â In some cases, political polarization can lead to violence, as people become more willing to use force to achieve their goals.
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