Posted on April 15, 2021
Initial posts are original contributions based on the assigned discussion board prompt. The initial post should be 225-250 words in length, clearly refer to course materials and demonstrate mastery of course material. In additional to an initial post, each student is expected to make response posts. Response posts are student reactions to the contributions of other students offered in an attempt to spark dialogue among participants. At a minimum, students should respond to the initial posts of at least two other students and reply to questions and comments made on their own initial post. These subsequent posts should be about 100 words in lengths, refer back to course materials, further the conversation and again demonstrate mastery of course material.
Select ONE phase of development (i.e. childhood, infancy, adolescence, middle age, older adulthood). Discuss the role of culture on cognition during this phase of development. For example, you might discuss how parental scaffolding in Western societies influences a child’s cognitive development or you might discuss how cultural views of wisdom effects the well being of older adults. Discuss why it is important to take cultural differences into consideration when assessing the cognition of individuals during the specific phase of development you selected.
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