We can work on Organizational Analysis and Requirements

Stage 1:   Organizational Analysis and Requirements




Before you begin work on this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study.  Refer to the System Recommendation Report – Table of Contents – below to see where you are in the process of developing this report.

As a professional medical consultant, you have been asked to conduct an analysis, develop a set of system requirements and propose an Electronic Health Records (EHR)system to improve the Midtown Family Clinic’s processes.  This work will be completed in four stages, and each of these four stages will focus on one section of an overall System Recommendation Reportto be delivered to the Midtown Family Clinic.


The sections of the System Recommendation Report will be developed and submitted as four staged assignments.  In stages 2, 3 and 4, you will also incorporate any feedback received when the previous stage is graded to improve the effectiveness of your overall report and then add the new section to your report.   At the end of the course, you will submit a complete System Recommendation Report that includes all the sections and changes that resulted from previous feedback.  A key to successful business writing is quality and conciseness rather than quantity.


The sections are described below and the graphic that follows provides the detailed outline and Table of Contents for this report:


Introduction – Provides background and sets the stage for the rest of the document.  To be written and submitted as part of Stage 1.


Section I: Organizational Analysis and Requirements (Stage 1) – The first stepis to look at the organization and explain how an EHR system could benefit the Midtown Family Clinic’s processes.


Section II: Data Sharing (Stage 2) – Next you will explain, the types of data that need to be shared with other organizations, and what data interchange standards should be used.


Section III: Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues (Stage 3) – Then you will analyze the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues that impact the EHR solution for the Midtown Family Clinic.


Section IV: System Recommendation (Stage 4) – Finally, you will identify a certified EHR system for the Midtown Family Clinic, and explain what improvements the Clinic can expect, how it meets the requirements, and what needs to be done to implement the system at the Clinic.


Conclusion – Summarizes the document.  To be written and submitted as part of Stage 4.


References – List of references.  A separate page developed as part of Stage 1 with references added (in alphabetical order) as other sections are added to the report.


Begin by creating a title page to include your name, course information and date; followed by a page break.  On a separate page, create the Table of Contents, which you will update as you add the sections of the Report. Note that each section has its own introduction and summary.





System Recommendation Report


Table of Contents


Introduction(Stage 1) 

II.Organizational Analysis and Requirements (Stage 1)

A.                  Introduction

B.                   Strategic Use of Technology
C.                   Components of an Information System

D.                  Functional Requirements

E.                   Summary

II.                  DataSharing (Stage 2)

A.                  Introduction
B.                   Need to Share Data

C.                   Types of Data to be Shared

D.                  Data Interchange Standards
E.                   Summary

III.                Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues (Stage 3)

A.                  Introduction
B.                   Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues

C.                   Addressing the Most Difficult Issue

D.                  Summary

IV.                System Recommendation (Stage 4)

A.                  Introduction
B.                   Proposed IT solution

C.                   How the Proposed IT Solution Meets the Requirements

D.                  Improvements from Proposed IT Solution

E.                   Implementation Considerations

F.                   Summary

Conclusion (Stage 4)






System Recommendation Report (SRR), Section I – Organizational Analysis and Requirements


Section I of the SRR document contains an organizational analysis and identifies ways in which an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system can help the Midtown Family Clinic to meet its strategic goals.The next step is to identify data and functional requirements for the EHR system.  This analysis lays the ground work for the rest of SRR, as the recommendation for an EHR must support the Clinic’s strategic goals and meet its functional and data requirements.


Stage 1 Assignment Instructions


Using the case study, the overview above, Course Content readings, and external resources, develop your Introduction andSection I: Organizational Analysis and Requirements.  Recommended lengths for each section are providedand you should be sure to includeall pertinent information.


Introduction– briefly describe (at a high level) the organization in the Case Study; provide a context for the rest of the document.  (one to two paragraphs)


Organizational Analysis and Requirements


Introduction – Introduction to this sectiondescribing what is included.(3-4 sentences)


Strategic Use of Technology -Using the Strategic Goals section of the Case Study, list three strategic goals that have been identified by the Midtown Family Clinic, and that can be supported with an EHR system. For each, explain how an EHR system can be used to support the goal.  (Introductory sentence and list of three strategic goals with one to two strong sentences that explain how an EHR system would support the strategic goal and justify your position with specifics from the Case Study.)

Strategic Goal 1 and explanation:
Strategic Goal 2 and explanation:
Strategic Goal 3 and explanation:


Components of an Information System –An information system is comprised of people, technology, processes (or organizational components), and data. Explain each of the following in relationship to an EHR  system to support the Midtown Family Clinic:

People– List the people who would use the new EHR system by name and role, and identify two things that person needs (functions) the system to do to help them with their job. (Provide an introductory sentence for Section C, and a sentence on people followed by a list of the people who will use the system and their roles.)

A. Person 1 and role, and two functions

B. Person 2 and role, and two functions

C. Person 3 and role, and two functions


Organizational Processes – list three processes that are used at the Clinic that would be supported by an EHR system and explain how the processes would be improved using an EHR system. (Provide an introductory sentence and list/explanation of three processes.)

A. Process 1 and how it would be improved

B. Process 1 and how it would be improved

C. Process 1 and how it would be improved


Data – The new EHR system will need to collect, store and process data.An example of needed data is “Name of Patient.” The case study providesinsight into the kinds of data that will be needed.First, insert an introductory opening sentence for this section. Then identify ten (10) critical data items forthis EHR system solution.(Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)


Data Items Needed for EHR System












Functional Requirements –The next step is to identify the essentialrequirements for the EHR system. Review the processes and data items you listed above and create a list of ten (10) requirements. Each requirement is one sentence in length and addresses one thing the system must do.  The requirements are documented in a table, as shown below.  For a full requirement specification, there will be many requirements statements; you only need to provide ten.  The requirements should be derived from the Case Study; an analyst should not “invent” requirements.(Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)

Functional Requirements












Summary – briefly summarize the content of this section and tie the information together for the reader.(3-4 sentences)


Formatting Your Assignment


For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, you,your, and ours. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed.  The Report is to be written for the Midtown Family Clinic, and reference should not be made by name to individuals who own or work in the Clinic.


Write a short concise paper: Use the recommendations provided in each area for length of response.  Content areas should be double spaced; table entries should be single-spaced. It’s important to value quality over quantity.  The body (Introduction to the report and Section I) of the assignment should not exceed 6 pages.
Ensure each section has an introductory sentence or two that sets the stage for the information to follow.
Ensure that each of the tables is preceded by an introductory sentence that explains what is contained in the table, so the reader understands why the table has been included.
Use at least two resources with APA formatted citation and reference. Use at least one external reference and one from the course content.
Compare your work to the Assignment Instructions above and the Evaluation Criteria/Grading Rubric below to be sure you have met content and quality criteria.Do not overlook this step. Read your work out loud or have your computer read it to you.  Fix the grammar and other areas identified.
Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word.
Your submission filename should be as follows: Lastname_firstname_Stage_1







Far Above Standards



Above Standards



Meets Standards



Below Standards


< 60%

Well Below Standards


Possible Points

Report Introduction


5 Points

Describes the organization and provides an effective introduction to the Report; is clear, logical, derived from the Case Study; and demonstrates a sophisticated level of writing.

4  Points

Describes the organization and provides an introduction to the Report; is clear, logical, and derived from the Case Study.

3.5 Points

Describes the organization and provides an introduction to the Report; is adequate, and derived from the Case Study.

3 Points

Not clear, logical and/or derived from the Case Study.

0-2 Points

Not included, or demonstrates little effort.



Section Introduction and Summary

5 Points

Provides effective introduction and summary to Section I; is clear, logical, derived from the Case Study; and demonstrates a sophisticated level of writing.

4 Points

Provides an introduction and summaryto Section I; is clear, logical, and derived from the Case Study.

3.5 Points

Provides an introduction and summary to Section I; is adequate, and derived from the Case Study.

3 Points

Not clear, logical and/or derived from the Case Study. Or, either the introduction or summary is not included.

0-2 Points

Not included, or demonstrates little effort.


Strategic Goals

How the system will support three of  the organization’s strategic goals

13-15 Points

The explanation is clear, logical and fully supported using a sophisticated level of writing.

12 Points

The explanation is clear, logical and supported.

10-11 Points

The explanation is provided and supported.

9 Points

The explanation is not clear, logical and/or supported.

0-8 Points

The explanation is not included or demonstrates little effort.



The 3 people, 3 processes, and 10 data items

31-35 Points

Fully and logically explained, are clearly related to the Case Study, and demonstrate a sophisticated level of analysis and writing.

28-30 Points

Logically explained, are related to the Case Study, and demonstrate analysis and effective writing.

24-27 Points

Explanation provided and relates to the Case Study.

21-23 Points

Not all clearly explained and/or are not related to the Case Study.

0-20 Points

Not all addressed or little effort is demonstrated.




10 functional  requirements

18-20 Points

Correctly identified and sourced; clearly derived from the Case Study; demonstrates sophisticated analysis.

16-17 Points

Identified and sourced; requirements are derived from the Case Study; demonstrates effective analysis.

14-15 Points

Identified and sourced; requirements are related to the Case Study.

12-13 Points

Less than 10 requirements are identified and sourced; and/or information provided is not correct; and/or requirements are not all related to the Case Study.

0-11 Points

Few or no requirements are listed; sources are incorrect; and/or requirements are not related to the Case Study.



Two or more sources–one source from within the IFSM 305 course content and one external (other than the course materials)

9-10 Points

Required resources are incorporated and used effectively. Sources used are relevant and timely and contribute strongly to the analysis.  References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style.

8.5 Points


At least two sources are incorporated and are relevant and somewhat support the analysis. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style.


7.5 Points

Only one resource is used and properly incorporated and/or reference(s) lack correct APA style.

6.5 Points

A source may be used, but is not properly incorporated or used, and/or is not effective or appropriate; and/or does not follow APA style for references and citations.

0-5 Points

No course content or external research incorporated; or reference listed is not cited within the text



9-10 Points

Well organized and easy to read.  Very few or no errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; double-spaced, written in third person and presented in a professional format.

8.5 Points

Effective organization; has few errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; double-spaced, written in third person and presented in a professional format.

7.5 Points

Some organization; may have some errors in sentence structure, grammar and spelling. Report is double spaced and written in third person.

6.5 Points

Not well organized, and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors; and/or is not double-spaced and written in third person.

0-5 Points

Extremely poorly written, has many grammar and/or spelling errors, or does not convey the information.



TOTAL Points Possible



Midtown Family Clinic
Case Study

In 1990, Dr. Harold Thompson opened the Midtown Family Clinic, a small internal medicine practice, in an
area with an increasing number of new family residences. Dr. Thompson has been the owner and manager
of the medical practice. He has two nurses, Vivian and Maria, to help him. Usually, one nurse takes care
of the front desk while the other nurse assists the doctor during the patient visits. They rotate duties each
day. Front desk duties include all administrative work from answering the phone, scheduling appointments,
taking prescription refill requests, billing, faxing, etc. So if on Monday Vivian is helping the doctor, then it
is Maria who takes care of the front desk and all office work. The two nurses are constantly busy and
running around, and patients are now accustomed to a minimum 1-2 hour wait before being seen. If one
nurse is absent, the situation is even worse in the clinic. The clinic has three examination rooms so the
owner is now looking into bringing a new physician or nurse practitioner on board. This would help him
grow his practice, provide better service to his patients, and maybe reduce the patients’ waiting time. Dr.
Thompson knows that this will increase the administrative overhead and the two nurses will not be able to
manage any additional administrative work. He faces several challenges and cannot afford to hire any
additional staff, so Dr. Thompson has to optimize his administrative and clinical operations. The practice
is barely covering the expenses and salaries at the moment.
Dr. Thompson’s practice operation is all paper-based with paper medical records filling his front office
shelves. The only software the doctor has on his front office computer is a stand-alone appointment
scheduling system. Even billing insurance companies is done in a quasi-manual way. For billing insurance,
the front office nurse has to fax all the needed documentation to a third party medical billing company at
the end of the day. The medical billing company then submits the claim to the insurance company and
bills the patient. The clinic checks the status of the claims by logging into the medical billing system,
through a login that the medical billing company has provided the clinic to access its account. There is no
billing software installed at the practice, but the nurses open Internet Explorer to the URL of the medical
billing company and then use the login provided by the third party medical billing company. Of course, the
medical billing company takes a percentage of the amount that the clinic is reimbursed by the insurance.
Although the medical practice has the one PC with the scheduling software and an internet connection, it
does not have a Web site or any other technology, and essentially still operates the same as it did in 1990.
One problem that is immediately noticeable is that there is no quick way to check patients in, and if the
nurse is on the phone while a patient tries to check in, then the patient has to wait until she has completed
her call. The doctor could be also waiting for the patient to be checked in, wasting the doctor’s valuable
time. Also many patients experience long waits on the phone when they are trying to schedule an
appointment, while the nurse is checking in patients or responding to another patient’s request in the office.
Every year, the clinic requires its patients to complete a form with their personal and insurance information,
rather than have them just verify what is on file. This annoys some of the parents when they have to fill
out all this paperwork, especially if they are taking care of their sick young child in the waiting room.
When a patient’s laboratory test results are received in the office, the paper copy has to be filed in the
patient’s folder. Lost and misfiled reports are a big concern to Dr. Thompson, as is his inability to quickly
and easily share patient data when he makes a referral to a specialist. He feels he and his staff are
spending too much time handling paper and not enough time improving patient care. All of the medical
records, lab results, and financial and payroll accounts are kept on paper, so there is not a quick way to
look up a patient’s history or current prescriptions during office visits, or when the doctor gets a call while
he is away from the office. At the beginning of each day, the nurses pull the files for all patients who have
appointments scheduled for that day. However, the clinic also accepts walk-in patients.
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At a recent medical conference Dr. Thompson learned about how Electronic Health Records (EHR) can be
shared among health care providers to improve patient outcomes. After attending several demonstrations
by the different vendors, ClinicalWorks, AthenaHealth, etc., he realized how inefficiently his practice is
running and realized all the opportunities that EHR systems can bring. He recognizes all the benefits of
moving to electronic medical records but feels very overwhelmed on how to start, or what to do. He is
also concerned about disruption to his practice which may negatively affect his patients’ care experience.
Moreover, neither the doctor nor the nurses have any knowledge or experience when it comes to
information technology. Upon the recommendation of a fellow doctor, Dr. Thompson has decided to hire
an independent EHR Consultant, to help him select the best EHR for his practice. His friend also advised
him that he should not just buy any package from a vendor but have the EHR consultant analyze the
workflow processes at the practice first, then optimize them, and then look at the EHR systems. The new
EHR system needs to work with the optimized processes of his practice. Dr. Thompson needs to get his
staff’s buy-in and involvement in the process from Day 1, if the EHR adoption process is to succeed. Dr.
Thompson realizes that EHR adoption may add significant costs to his practice, which he cannot afford.
Therefore, he will go for the EHR adoption at this point only if he can find an affordable system.
Based on his fellow doctor’s recommendation, Dr. Thompson has contracted with an independent
consultant, who is not associated with any vendor, to advise him through this process. Throughout this
course you will be the professional medical consultant.
Strategic Goals
Dr. Thompson has several strategic goals in mind that he shares with you during your first meeting with
him as his consultant. For one, he would like to see his medical practice operate more efficiently and make
some financial profit that he could reinvest into the clinic in order to upgrade and expand it. In a few
years, he will need to invest some funds in a major renovation, primarily in the examination rooms and the
waiting area. If he had extra money, he could also rent the apartment next to his clinic and open up the
space to make a larger clinic. If he did that, he could also expand the clinic into a 3-physician group
practice and maybe rent out some space to a physical therapy physician and generate some additional
income. After much discussion with fellow MDs, he realizes that he can use technology to improve the
quality of care, safety, and financial management decisions of his practice, while also meeting the legal
and regulatory requirements for health care and health care systems. So, implementing an EHR system
for these purposes has now become another strategic goal for the practice.
Your task is to help Dr. Thompson understand the process that occurs during a patient visit to the practice,
how that process should be improved to make it more efficient, and then recommend a certified EHR
system for him to implement. You are not expected to solve all of the problems identified or address all
improvements that could be made at the Midtown Family Clinic.
The following is an example of how a process is identified and optimized using a technology solution: Last
year, the medical practice had no effective way to schedule appointments. The front desk nurse used a
paper calendar to write in appointments. Obviously, as appointments were cancelled and re-scheduled,
the paper calendar became almost unreadable. It was also taking a long time for the nurse to record the
patient name, phone number and other critical information. That was when Dr. Thompson and his nurses
decided to implement the scheduling system on the PC. Now, the patients are all listed in the system, with
the pertinent information, and the scheduler can quickly search for an open time and enter the patient’s
appointment on the schedule. This has significantly improved the scheduling process, but has done nothing
to help with all of the other activities involved with a patient visit to the Clinic.
Note: As you approach the case study assignments, you will find it helpful to think about your own
experiences with a medical practice. Making a trip to a small medical practice may help you think about
the processes, challenges, and opportunities.
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The case study and assignments address the Course Outcomes to enable you to:
 Evaluate the organizational environment in the health care industry to recognize how technology
solutions enable strategic outcomes
 Analyze the flow of data and information among disparate health information systems to support
internal and external business processes
 Evaluate technology solutions in the health care industry to improve the quality of care, safety, and
financial management decisions
 Examine the implications of ethical, legal, and regulatory policy issues on health care information
Upon completion of these assignments you will have performed an array of activities to demonstrate your
ability to apply the course concepts to a “real world situation” to:
 Analyze an organization’s strategies and processes to determine how a technology solution could
help (Stage 1)
 Analyze the data flow among a clinical practice and external organizations (Stage 2)
 Identify and explain the legal, ethical and regulatory considerations for a system (Stage 3)
 Propose an appropriate certified EHR technology solution (Stage 4)
As explained in the Stage 1 assignment, you will create a System Recommendation Report for Dr.
Thompson, using each stage to develop a section of the report. The staged assignments are designed to
follow the relevant readings in the course content, and are due on the dates as assigned in the class
schedule. These assignments are designed to help you identify how to effectively analyze and interpret
information to improve a medical practice using technology. This is an opportunity for you to apply critical
thinking skills and think like a professional medical consultant.

The post Organizational Analysis and Requirements appeared first on Smart online Writing.

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