We can work on Mini Ethnography


The goal of this exercise is to observe a ‘cultural scene’ as an anthropologist would (i.e. based on everything you have learned in the course to-date). The student will analyze their observations in terms of themes from the subfield of cultural anthropology such as how it helps frame our societies (family, lifestyle, lineage, language and communication) and, in some ways, its evolution.

Culture as we have discussed in our readings is an incredible advantage that has allowed humans to enter almost every niche in nature. The development and maintenance of culture is what sets humans apart from other species. Culture varies by time and location. For this assignment, students will be observing a particular setting for 25 minutes, writing up your observations, and then analyzing them. Listen to APUS anthropologist Donna Rosh give you some pointers for people-watching as an anthropologist (or read the script). Watch APUS anthropologist Jennifer Cramer give you some pointers about studying behavior in primates, tips which also work for studying human behavior.

Directions for 4-6 page Assignment:
Choose a time and location for where/when you are going to conduct your observations of an ethnographic scene (mall, public transportation, coffee shop, etc.). Go to the specified location and proceed with your observations. Find a place to sit quietly for 25 minutes and simply watch what is going on. Do not talk to or interview people during this time.
Take notes (handwritten recommended). Include details about the scene itself (time of day, lighting, furniture, plants, sounds, temperature, smell, vibe/energy, etc), with focus on the details about the people around you (their characteristics, their behavior). At this time, you should start to think about concepts that you’ve learned in class that fit with your observations. This step is critical.
Write a 4-6 page paper about your observations Your paper should:
Include a ‘thick description’ of the location with clear detail of your observations
Analyze your observations, identifying and defining four anthropological concepts that fit your observations. Definitions should be supported with cited sources.
Analyze how these anthropological concepts fit your observations.
Reflect on this activity. What was it like to observe other people through the lens of an anthropologist?
Include your field notes at the end of your paper
What is an anthropological concept? Anthropological concepts are anthropological terms and ideas. Examples of some that we’ve studied include: ethnocentrism, ethnicity, reciprocity, kinship, language and communication. You should not use this exact list of four concepts and expect them to fit your observation scene. You may, of course, use others – depending on what concepts are relevant to your observation. We also have two examples to share with you from APUS anthropologists- one from Jennifer Cramer’s fieldwork in The Gambia and one from James Turner’s fieldwork in Mexico.

One common misstep is to apply the four subfields of anthropology or to apply the four parts of the definition of culture.

Conclude with a discussion of and reflection on your experience of the situation. For example you might write how you felt when you started to detect a pattern in characteristics and/or behavior.


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Writing Expectations

All written submissions should be submitted using APA formatting. In part, this includes:

Typewritten in double-spaced format with a readable style and font and submitted inside the electronic classroom.
Arial 11 or 12-point font or Times New Roman styles.
Page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side = 1 inch, with reasonable accommodation being made for special situations and online submission variances.
Save as .doc, .rtf, or .pdf
See a Basics of APA Style tutorial for coaching on APA formatting. For additional resources, see our Library, and the Purdue Online Writing Lab.

Sample Solution

World Englishes: The selection and utilization of English in European governmental issues and training with reference to Brexit; What is ‘World Englishes’? “English is never again only ‘one language’, it comes in a wide range of shapes and sizes.” Schneider, 2011, p. 11 The term ‘World Englishes’ was formulated by the sociolinguistic analyst Braj Kachru and is a standout amongst the most powerful models in the dialog of the spread of English on a worldwide scale. The word ‘Englishes’ is a term which means there is more than one kind of the English language dependent on indigenised structures adjusted for and from an assortment of reasons which will be talked about all through this paper. The general thought of World Englishes (WE) is very excellent and one of which has transformed into an obsession for momentum specialists, for example, Robert Philipson and Edgar W. Schneider. Sociolinguistic and local varieties of WE are being analyzed immeasurably by scientists to extend their comprehension of why English as a first, second or unknown dialect has turned out to be one of or if not, the most prevailing language on the planet. One could state that English has replaced dialects, for example, Esperanto which sole reason for existing was to inevitably turn into the world’s most regularly spoken language or the ‘most widely used language’. With numerous scholars, for example, Cogo and Jenkins (2010), accepting that English will profit one of the world’s driving political unification, the European Union (EU), since it fills the need of a most widely used language (shared comprehension) for borderless correspondence, others, for example, van Parijs (2011, p. 220)believe that English as a most widely used language fills in as lost ‘equality of regard’. In this paper, thusly, I will survey territories, for example, the utilization and spread of English from nativisation and imperialism as it is as a matter of first importance critical to see how English turned into the supposed lingua franca­­ in the present current society. It is likewise urgent to attract consideration regarding a standout amongst the most weighty ways to deal with the proprietorship and utilization of English as examined by Kachru. The focal point of the exposition is the utilization of English in Europe; politically and socially. I will try to address how English is utilized with regards to the European Union, instruction and the particular setting of establishing individuals; France and Germany with a particular spotlight on Italy. One of the other key points that will be audited is the impact of Brexit on English inside the setting of Europe and any undeniable impacts this could have on the UK ‘Brexiting’. Verifiable roots and spread of English The kinds of colonization by the British Empire implied distinctive joined implications in the utilization and spread of English; these can be characterized as; settlement and misuse. Countries in which adventurers settled, for example, Australia and New Zealand, implied these domains were vanquished, and locals were constrained by pioneers to utilize English. Different nations which were misused by the British Empire, including numerous African and Asian countries, were utilized principally as a methods for gathering workers and getting regular assets to profit Britain in its take a stab at worldwide predominance. This implied English was utilized by the elitists and not by the locals of the nation. Inside the only remaining century, the indigenisation and nativisation of English from the previous British Empire provinces further extended the utilization of English incorporating a feeling of having a place with a specific locale or culture; various kinds of English, or as talked about, Englishes (Schneider, 2011). The nations which were colonized by the British Empire were not to begin with presented and made to utilize English sometimes; it was in certainty just utilized by pioneers and exiles. English is presently a perceived first language of numerous previous colonized countries around the globe, for example, Singapore, Malaysia and Nigeria (Crystal, 2003)which are for the most part regions which were beforehand exploitedby the previous British Empire. The English language was anticipated by Follick (1934)to spread and be utilized universally by countries to impart and participate. One might say that there was a characteristic move in utilizing English as a customary methods for correspondence in view of its imperialistic foundation and in light of the fact that English had just been acquainted with various British Empire states, for example, India and South Africa. It was additionally being utilized by nations with solid worldwide political and monetary foundations, for example, the United States and the UK (Schneider, 2011). English, having been presented two centuries back, as of now included a fortification inside African and Asian nations which implied that English had just been adjusted to neighborhood tongues. This quick spread and utilization of English implied that administrations, training and the media inside these previous provinces were utilized to impart and contend with different nations; English is seen to be an overwhelming language as it takes into account better openings for work and thriving (Crystal, 2003). Today through participation, any previous British Empire provinces are known as the ‘Region of Nations’ in which the Queen is sovereign head of state which could even now be affecting on the connection of English as an overwhelming language of previous settled and colonized countries. Kachrudeveloped ‘The Three Circles’ model to plot how English is utilized and keeps on being utilized globally in nations, for example, those in the ward. Kachru – The Three Circles The model is introduced concentrically; the Inner Circle, The Outer Circle and The Expanding Circle (Kachru, 1992). The covering circles are conceptualized as; English as a Native Language (ENL) – ‘Inward Circle’, English as a Second Language (ESL) being the ‘External Circle and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) displayed as the ‘Growing Circle’ (Schneider, 2011, p. 31). The Inner Circle incorporates nations, for example, the United Kingdom, The United States, New Zealand, Australia and Canada; the Outer Circle involves post-frontier countries, for example, India and Singapore, and the Expanding Circle contains the remainder of the world (Crystal, 2003, p. 61). Kachru’s socio-political perspective plays generous significance on the Outer and Expanding Circles since he is strong of the feeling that ‘English has a place with every one of the individuals who use it’ so there is no incredible requirement for ESL and EFL clients to fixate on building up the ideal Inner Circle articulation or perspective Kachru (1992). Moreover, Kachru contends that since clients of English in the Outer and Expanding Circles have as much possession as those in the Inner Circle, they are permitted and should keep making their very own arrangement of ‘standards’ which along these lines considers the spread of fluctuating kinds of English. Kachru’s modular distinguishes the Inner Circle as ‘standard giving’, the Outer Circle as ‘standard creating’ and the Expanding Circle as ‘standard tolerating’. These standards, be that as it may, have been addressed by etymologists by adversely portraying angles, for example, the Expanding circle (Canagarajah, 2006). The way that multilingual speakers in the Expanding circle don’t have any significant bearing indistinguishable standards from the Inner circle when communicating in English suggests that the Expanding circle isn’t standard ward. As the utilization of English around the globe keeps on extending and become profoundly established in numerous nations, there is a dissimilarity in the manner by which English is used. English in Europe – Politics and Education The European Union has a five-level language strategy which supports the utilization of every one of the twenty-four authority dialects inside the EU (Gazzola, 2016).The framework guarantees reasonable use and distribution of EU related materials to its individuals. The five-level arrangement incorporates; Non-legitimately restricting archives, official records from the European Commission, EU studies and reports, EU court documentation and the EU parliament (Wright, 2009) One of the repetitive legends encompassing the utilization of English inside the EU is that English is just one of a determination of authority dialects utilized by the EU (Phillipson, 2017). Despite the fact that Irish and Maltese were redesigned by the EU in 2007 to have official language status, English is as yet utilized by these two districts (Phillipson, 2017). A sign maybe that there is an inclination to impart in English. English instructing was gradually acquainted with western European and Scandinavian schools all through the 1950’s and 1960’s (Council of Europe, 2002);central and eastern European nations including Russia and Italy begun English in the late 1980’s in the post-Stalinist period. This early acquaintance could maybe be connected with the development of the UK and US economies and seen as a vital piece of western European and Scandinavian nations development and incorporation. Moreover, all individuals from the EU made it mandatory to become familiar with another dialect at different school age levels and at different occasions up to 2001 (Eurydice, 2001). The instructing of English in European schools is proof that maybe proposes national governments perceived the significance of English as a way to better their socio-political position on the world stage. Concentrating on Scandinavian nations, Sweden and Finland, unmistakably the then administration of 1995 esteemed English as the two nations made it their national strategies to enhance their language instructing in schools to two dialects rather than one, which was prevalently English (Bergman, 1995, p.178) The setting of EU language strategy for learning is associated with financial accomplishment and targets set out by the EU in the Lisbon plan 2000-2010 and Europe 2020 (Krzyzanowski and Wodak, 2011).The objectives the EU talk about are identified with higher social attachment just as ‘brilliant, maintainable and comprehensive development’. The strategy by the EU was intended to empower ‘primary language’ speakers to gain proficiency with another two dialects which would expand the EU’s shot of progressively huge financial and political attachment just as better social versatility>

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