After viewing the Growing Your Mind and the Power of Belief and Mindset and Success videos, describe your mindset about intelligence and abilities as it existed before viewing these videos and how your view might have changed (or not) after viewing the videos. What impact (if any) does the understanding of a fluid intelligence have on your goals, priorities and attitudes? Include in-text citations of direct quotes from the videos that you feel have influenced your personal goals, priorities or attitudes.
Part C- write a one-paragraph answer for each of the 13 questions
- What are your priorities? If someone looked deeply into your life, could they see what your priorities truly are? This is not to judge, but simply to get to reality. Is it sports, money, family,
faith, health? What are they in order? And are they what they should be? Align your priorities with your life and with those in your life and watch the relational connectivity improve almost overnight.

Sample Answer
My mindset about intelligence and abilities before viewing the videos
Before viewing the videos, I believed that intelligence was something that was fixed and could not be changed. I thought that some people were just born smarter than others, and that there was not much that could be done to improve your intelligence. I also believed that your abilities were limited by your genes and upbringing.
How my view of intelligence and abilities changed after viewing the videos
The videos challenged my beliefs about intelligence and abilities. They showed me that intelligence is not fixed, but can be improved through effort and practice. They also showed me that our abilities are not limited by our genes or upbringing, but can be expanded through challenge and growth.
One of the quotes from the videos that influenced me the most was this one from Carol Dweck: “The fixed mindset says that your basic qualities are set in stone. The growth mindset says that your basic qualities can be developed through your efforts.” (Dweck, 2006)
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